Archives May 2023

A Thing Intended: The Science behind Magic

Let’s talk about intention setting. It’s something you hear thrown around directly and indirectly all the time. From mindset and goalsetting gurus to psychologists and even the old adage ‘It’s the thought that counts’; your intentions guide almost everything you do. We place a lot of moral weight behind someone’s stated or hidden intentions. The concept of intentions has sparked some of humanities oldest proverbs and colloquialisms:  

  • The road to hell is paved with good intentions. 
  • Let a wrong-doing repeat itself at least three times: the first may be an accident, the second a mistake, but the third is likely to be intentional. 
  • He who covers up his mistakes intends to make some more. 
  • No matter how brilliant an action, it should not be considered great unless it was the result of a great motive. 

This is one of the fundamental differences in the conversation between magic believers and non-magic believers. Some people would argue that it’s the difference between magic and science, but I fall into the camp of people that believe all magic is science that we don’t have the ability to explain yet. That doesn’t make it not magic. Things that we now refer to as common knowledge science would have gotten you burned at the stake 400 years ago. Then there are those things that I believe mankind just isn’t meant to unravel or dissect- they just are part of the magic of existing. 

Whilst I hate being the kind of person that loads you up with definitions- some things bear defining. So let’s start there.  

Intention: a thing intended; an aim or a plan. 

Stated simply your intentions are your goals, aims, hopes, and meanings. Intentions encompass everything from all that you hope to accomplish to the thoughts behind actions you do for and to others. That’s a lot of weight to put on one little word.  

Intention setting is one of those science meets magic subjects that I love. Why? Because right now- the majority of people on the planet consider it hippy woo-woo metaphysical, magical, mystical and otherwise two solid frog hops from the Crazy Pond. Meanwhile the Scientific community is just starting to seriously explore the concept of intentionality in serious depth. We’re at one of those awesome crossroads where we can watch the process of the scientific being used to explain the magical. Its an exciting thing.  

The basic concept of formal Intention Setting is the basis for most forms of magic. Intention setting is the first step in Manifesting. It is the spark and creative power that pushes our desires, hopes, and dreams out into the universe so the Law of Attraction can work is magic. Setting an intention is more than just stating what you want and waiting for it to happen. It’s a purposeful direction of psychic and physical energy toward a goal. Anything less is just a wish.  

We talk about setting intentions constantly for both big and little projects, seasons, our lives; Before rituals, going into classes and experiences. “What are your intentions? What are you hoping to get out of this?” Setting intentions means being mindful of your thoughts and your inner dialogue. 

The law of attraction is founded on the premise that the quality of our most prevalent thoughts, moods and attitudes determines the quality of what we manifest in our lives (What Is The Law Of Attraction? – Forbes Health). Its quite literally the power of the mind and how it interacts with the positive and negative energies of the world.  

Ever had someone turn to you and say “Mind over Matter”?  

Napoleon Hill posing with his book, Think and Grow Rich

This isn’t a new concept. I mentioned in a previous post a quote by Napolean Hill “The Mind attracts the things it dwells upon.” Which is a more condensed version of his original “Our minds become magnetized with the dominating thoughts we hold in our minds and these magnets attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts”.  

In an Article by Forbes, Christy Whitman, a master-certified law of attraction coach in Scottsdale, Arizona, the founder of The Quantum Success Coaching Academy and author of The Desire Factor, has a great way of explaining the basics of the theory: 

Christy Whitman

“Thanks to the contribution of Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, we now understand that matter and energy are inseparable, and that energy is the basis of everything in our tangible universe,” she continues “Everything that manifests in the physical world does so by a process of resonant energies being drawn together.” Whitman explains that it’s like when a C chord is struck on a piano. “Every other key that is tuned to the chord of C quivers in response to the note that’s been sounded, because frequencies that resonate at a similar vibration are magnetized together,” What Is The Law Of Attraction? – Forbes Health 

Oprah Winfrey

Some of the most successful people in the world swear by the ‘Power of Positive Thinking’. Oprah Winfrey discusses it in her book ‘The Secret’. Other celebrity names include Jim Carrey, Lady Gaga, Denzel Washington, and Jennifer Lopez. Whilst I am not a huge follower of tinsel town- what I’m getting at is that there are some very successful mainstream icons that are beginning to recognize the science behind it. The idea also falls in line with the Power of Association (when your parents used to say “I don’t want you hanging out with so-and-so, they’re a bad influence!) and the idea that like attracts like. It’s the concept that the direction and intention of your thoughts has the ability to interact with the Intentions and purpose of the Universe; and in the words of Bernard Shaw “We know there is intention and purpose in the universe, because there is intention and purpose in us.” 

When we talk about intention setting in magic we’re talking about the power of setting your mind to something, of setting yourself firmly on a decision or path and using your will to make it happen.  

Bruce Lipton

According to Bruce Lipton, an American Developmental Biologist and former professor of Epigenetics states that when we set intentions “the beliefs we hold in our minds are converted into electromagnetic fields by nerve cells and the brain ‘broadcasts’ this information to all of the cells within our body. Cells respond to the information in these energy fields and use it to control their behavior and gene activity.” On the flipside of that same coin, if we are prone to negative thinking and fail to set positive intentions within our lives, our cells will respond by preparing to Fight-or-Flight, adding stressor triggers subconsciously in our day to day lives. 

Science is beginning to be able to measure and demonstrate this. If you want to read more about the connection between biology, the brain and mindfulness and how intention setting can affect our neurology and in turn our physiology, this article (The Biology Of Intention-Setting: Our Body’s Response To Activating The Mind – Thrive Global) talks a lot about Dr. Richard Davidson and his work on Neuroplasticity. 

Another Phenomenal Read is “The Intention Experiment” By Lynn McTaggart which draws on findings of leading scientists around the world. McTaggart uses cutting-edge research conducted at Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and other universities and laboratories to discuss how intent is capable of profoundly affecting all aspects of our lives.  

One of my favorite Excerpts from that book is a quote from William A. Tiller, a professor emeritus at Standford University. “For the last 400 years, an unstated assumption of science is that human intention cannot affect what we call physical reality. Our experimental research of the past decade shows that, for todays world and under the right conditions, this assumption is no longer correct.”  

The farther science gets into the study of intentions setting, the more power they are finding resides in the mind. We are even beginning to use the power of intention setting in psychology as a form of therapy and trauma healing as well as traditional medicine. Doctors discuss the idea of “setting the intention to get well, even if you don’t know how to yet.” That the idea of openly stating an intention to get well, to heal your body, and to focus on your health in that time can act upon the subconscious and not only speed up the natural process, but actually open pathways in the body that trigger the body’s natural healing processes on its own. Your body is designed to heal itself- it wants to be at homeostasis. It’s essentially stimulating an immune response. 

If you’ve ever heard someone say, “you can’t help someone that doesn’t want to get better.” It falls under this same principle, just on a smaller, more subconscious scale.  

Now this isn’t to say that chanting “I am going to get better.” Is going to cure you of cancer. Modern Medicine still plays a roll and for very good reasons; your mind cannot fix 100% of anything- but it does play a huge role. Who knows what science will discover in the next ten and twenty years; in the meantime, the notable improvement in processes of the body that are already there make it worth pursuing. I can’t see why someone wouldn’t use every tool at their disposal to help their body do what it needs to do. If I had an infection and a doctor told me to drink lots of water, get extra rest, take lots of vitamin B and an antibiotic- I wouldn’t skip out on the vitamin B but do everything else. Sure, you’ll probably get better otherwise, but why wouldn’t you try and do it faster? If you’re trying to bake a cake and you only use 90% of the ingredients- you’ll still end up with something edible- but it might not be as good.  

The truth behind most modern Magic is at the end of the day pretty simple and straightforward. In more elegant words it’s a combination of intention setting and intense gratitude for what the universe gives us. Call it self-fulfilling prophecy, or the placebo effect. To dumb it down even further- its spicy psychology. And you can label it hippy woo-woo if you choose too but seeing the world the way that I want to and slowly manifesting or out-stubborning it until it reflects my vision has worked pretty well for me for twenty-eight years.  

That’s basically all it is. I decide what I want to happen. I set my intentions, very specifically. I focus my whole being on what it is I am trying to accomplish or manifest. Sounds simple huh? But simple and easy aren’t the same thing. Sure, you can say it out loud; whatever the intention may be. But at that point its just a wish more less. We’re talking about actual magnetism and attraction, which works on a molecular level. Its about actively changing your personal narrative and your subconscious on a chemical level. Which is harder than it sounds because humans are complex creatures.  

This is in some way, another area that the idea of mindfulness comes into play. You have to be aware of your intentions and your thoughts and your focus in order to direct them. And it takes discipline to build that skill. You’d be amazed at the number of people walking around the world with their thoughts higgledy-piggledy (or maybe you wouldn’t be) with little to no actual awareness of their thoughts or intentions. How many times do you hear “I dunno, I just didn’t think about it.” In response to a question regarding why they did something. And thoughtlessness is exactly it. The awesome thing about this though, is that its totally fixable. Its learnable. It’s something that you are in complete control of within your life.  

I would love to hear your thoughts on the matter, your experiences, or your questions. If you’re so inclined, please accept my challenge: Take a few minutes to set yourself an intention. Start small, and don’t give yourself a list a mile long (rule one of goal setting/ habit creating/ or manifesting). Pick one thing. Be Specific. Write it down. Say it out loud. Declare it to the Universe (note here I say the universe and not ‘people’). Pay close attention to how your personal narrative talks about it and thinks about it in your head. Any time you catch yourself referring to it in the negative correct it. Don’t just stop the negative- you must replace it with the positive. Repeat it to yourself multiple times a day. Affirm it. Be very intentional with this one thing. For 60 days. Then come back and tell me what happened and how you feel about it. 

Now go get intentional! 

All the best, 


Learn to Knit with a Loom

Hey fellow crafters! 

I am switching gears a little bit today. I want to do a video on loom knitting basics but before we get to that I want to go over why loom knitting is so awesome, some of the tools you might want, and what you can make.  

I am not going to lie… when I was first knitting, I saw loom knitting as cheating or the easy way out. But I also have a policy of: 

“Don’t knock it till you try it!” 

So, I waddled my happy ass down to an art store and purchased my first kit. I can proudly say I am now hooked (pun intended).  


Loom knitting quicker, easier to learn for beginners and easier on one’s hands for the elderly, disabled, or arthritic. If you have trouble keeping count of your stitches, I also find that loom knitting is easier to keep track of.  

What can you stitch on a loom?  

Beanies? Check.  

Scarves? Check.  

Bags? Check.  

Blankets? Check.  

Socks? Check.  

Sweaters? Check.  

The point is that anything you can get a knitting pattern for, you can also do on a loom. You can do a knit or purl stitch. The only thing to consider is that you will need to doctor a knitting pattern a bit as loom knitting is always knitting the right side (RS) and regular knitting, every other line is the wrong side (WS) so you need to convert those lines to be the opposite/ backwards.  

What do you need for your project?   

  1. Yarn- this seems obvious. 
  2. Either your hands or a pen- your hands also seem obvious BUT if you want to speed things up and maybe save your self a hand cramp, I saw a trick online that I love. Take the tip and inside of/out of a pen so you just have a tube (I suppose you could also use something like a straw), thread your yarn through it and literally act like you are drawing with the yarn around the pegs. If you have loom knitted, you know what I am talking about. If not… I will show you when I get to the video.  
  3. A pick- you use this to throw stitches over the pegs and create the stitches. The kits come with a pick that looks like a handle with a little metal hook on the end to grab the yarn. If you bought your loom second hand though it may be missing AND I have noticed that those get broken AND they also tend to give me hand cramps over time. Knot as bad as regular knitting but like 3 hours in I can feel it.  I would recommend splurging on one at a craft store that has a bigger and/or cushier handle. I also saw someone use the cricut tool to help clean up cuts that looks like a hook and confess that I will be trying that soon. It looks comfy since it has a longer handle.  
  4. A loom- Now THIS is what I was trying to get to because there are different types of looms.  

What types of looms are there and what are they for? 

So I should say first that each of them can be used for multiple things. For example, I have used the smallest circular loom to make tiny hats, stockings, mittens, ‘sponges’, and a placemat. Just because it is circular does not mean you have to knit in the round; you can do a flat piece.  And using the long rectangular looms you can make a flat piece, a circular piece like a hat or get a double layered effect.  

There are 4 main types on these looms:  

Circular Loom– These can and are mostly used to do flat panels, sponges, stockings, mittens, placemats, coasters, hats, bags and even sweaters. Most kits come with 4 standard sizes. The smallest size is mostly for preme baby hats, dish scrubbies, mittens, and little stockings. The next size up would be more like regular baby sized hats or a scarf. The next size up from that would be for adult hats, smaller bags, scarves and the like. The large one is technically a bit large for beanies, but I like it for slouchy beanies. It is also a great size for sweater parts and bags. 

Rectangular Loom– These can also be used to do beanies but it’s better to leave that to the circle and focusing on something else. These are great for sweaters, scarves, double knitting, and some blankets. I also find them easier to store in my drawers when organizing so I think they are a powerhouse.  

Sock Loom– You make socks with this.  Duh.

Infinity or Afghan Loom– This is really just a large rectangular loom but it was big enough they folded it into an infinity sign so that you can knit a larger item; like an Afghan.  

I plan in the near future to do a video showing how to get started and to make a beanie in the round vs making something flat like a pot holder. I am mid way through a move but I have several projects lined up so that we can work along. Anything I will be teaching could be applied to any of the 4 types of looms so why don’t you locate a couple supplies are work along with me next month?

Thank for stopping by,


Mother Mugwort: A Kitchen Witch & Herbalist Essential  

Artemisia Vulgaris 

Another Everyday Kitchen Witch or Herbalist Essential. Mugwort or Biboz is a common name for several flowering plants in the Artemisia Genus. In Europe it is most commonly Artemisia Vulgaris or common Mugwort. There is also Artemisia Argyi or Chinese Mugwort used in traditional Chinese Medicine. Artemisia Princeps is also known as ssuk in Korea or Yomogi in Japan. There are several varieties with similar uses, and all are known for their aromatic flowers. There are in total over 500 varieties that all fall within the Daisy family. They are also amazing attractors of bees and butterflies and many other pollinators. 

It is a very prolific plant; native to Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa, though it now grows all over the world. Some unknowing people even treat it as a weed! Other common names include common wormwood, wild wormwood, felon herb, chrysanthemum weed, St. John’s plant, & sailor’s tobacco. Some of these names however, are misnomers as wormwood is a ‘cousin’ of Mugwort but in truth a different plant (artemisia absinthinium). 

In my personal opinion, Mugwort is one of those wonderful few plants gifted to us by the universe; for she is easy to grow and her uses are many. This is probably the primary reason that despite many advances in modern medicine Mugwort is still used today very similarly to how it was in the iron age. 

Medicinal Uses 

From a Medicinal standpoint, Mugwort taken orally can help with digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It’s also promoted as a mild sedative. Topically it has been used as an antimicrobial preservative and to calm itching and inflammation. Mixed with Menthol it can also provide relief from itching associated with hypertrophic scars from severe burns (I can attest to this myself. I have a burn scar from a third degree burn that dries out faster than the rest of my skin, burns more easily, and itches constantly. Menthol Mugwort Balm is my friend). Additionally it has anti-coagulant and disinfectant properties that make it very versatile and valuable to the home apothecary. It can be smoked, ingested, or applied topically depending on the need. 

Mugwort has a nerve calming effect that is sometimes used by people trying to quit nicotine. They will temporarily smoke hand rolled cigarettes of herbal blends that include Mugwort to help with withdrawals and cravings. In fact, at one point it was used as a substitute for expensive tobacco (giving rise to the nickname ‘sailors tobacco’). 


Unlike many herbs, which can be taken at any time, Mugwort should not be taken at any point when pregnant as it can cause menstruation and uterine contractions.  

Plants from the Genus Artemisia contain liver toxins that may build up if used in excess. If you use Mugwort regularly, make sure to take breaks of at least a week. For this reason Mugwort should never been given to children or pets.  

NEVER ingest essential oils- this goes double for oils containing Thujone. A single overdose can cause permanent Liver and Kidney Damage. Ingesting the plant is fine- essential oils are NOT the same thing if you are buying a scent profile.  

While I don’t know if it’s possible to have a ‘bad trip’ from Mugwort- those opposed to any mind altering substances should probably steer clear. 

Mugwort in History 

Use of Mugwort date back to the Iron Age when it got its beginnings as a preservative for beer, it also doubled as the crucial bitter note we now use hops for, as well as a culinary herb used to season fish and game dishes. Her culinary uses have been overshadowed however by her cousin wormwood- the psychoactive ingredient in absinthe. One popular theory is that Mugwort’s original association to beer brewing was where the ‘mug’ part of ‘Mugwort’ came from; though a more realistic origin for the name comes from the Old Norse word ‘muggi’ meaning Marsh. It was at one time associated with St. John the Baptiste and people wore Mugwort Wreathes to repel evil spirits.  

Mugwort is high in the chemical thujone, which is a mild intoxicant, and the reason that for a long time Mugwort had a bad reputation for many of its medicinal purposes. However, you’d have to ingest a decent amount of it to really experience any ‘mind altering’ symptoms and the benefits of it far outweigh the side effects. If you’re looking to get intoxicated- it would be easier to drink alcohol than to use Mugwort. It should be mentioned though that Thujone can be absorbed transdermally, so if you’re sensitive to the chemical I would suggest wearing gloves when you handle the plant to minimize your exposure. Mugwort is not a hallucinogen, but its psychoactive properties are real and measurable all the same. It’s more akin to a sedative or relaxant than anything that is going to make you ‘see things’. 

Mugwort and Magic 

Mugwort has strong Lunar ties and is heavily associated with Artemis. In the pagan tradition it is heavily associated with the Earth Element. The Genus Artemisia as a whole is named after the Greek goddess of the moon. 

From a Magical application point, Mugwort is used as both a protective herb as well as a psychically amplifying herb. Mugwort is said to amplify and stimulate lucid dreaming and visualization. Mugwort teas are commonly used in accompaniment to meditation, and divination as they can relax the mind and open the inner eye (I am resisting the urge to say “Use your inner eye to see the future” in a dramatic professor Trelawney like way). Those same psychoactive effects that give it a bad stigma are great for inducing meditative states and are even stronger during sleep. 

It can be sewn into sleep sachets to produce clearer dreams if you are someone who struggles to remember them later.  

You can also burn Mugwort with coals as a divinatory incense. Or, if you like to meditate outside, I will sometimes add it to my fires for the bonus side effect that it repels insects. 

Its also a strong protective plant- traditionally people hung bunches of it by their doors to keep evil away. My favorite smudge is Mugwort (I will be using it to bless our new house before we move this month). Some people will work Mugwort into charms and protective sachets. 

Where to Procure 

You can get Mugwort online, or from many occult shops. Some specialty grocery stores still sell it as a cooking herb. Due to its hardy nature, if you prefer to forage you can find Mugwort growing wild in many parts of Europe and North America- just be careful to get a positive ID. Mugwort looks a LOT like Ragweed; which is not only more or less useless; but if you’re allergic to it like me (and a lot of people are) it’ll make you itch like hell. 

If you are a Seattle native I am partial to Tenzing Momo; they are located in Pike’s Place and you can shop in store, but he’s also a fast shipper. Or if you’re in the Skagit Valley I would highly recommend Good Vibes- He has a small selection of loose herbs you can purchase in addition to an amazing selection of other things.  


If you decide to take up growing your own (which I will almost always suggest). It is easier to grow from a seedling than to sprout your own. I would say either head to a local nursery or see if someone will give you a cutting as they are very easy to re-root. 

While Mugwort prefers full sun and well draining Rocky soil (it started off as a ditch weed). Its relatively well adaptable and very drought tolerant. For those that live in wetter climates, you can still grow it, but you will want VERY well-draining soil to avoid root rot.  

Personally I would suggest either growing in containers or ensuring you plant it with a root barrier if you are planting in-ground to ensure it doesn’t take over your yard (I did say it was prolific). The bonus to this plant is if you’re someone like me: Its hard to kill. The downside: Its hard to kill.  

It’s a perennial- so if its protected through frosts, it will come back year after year. Bear in mind it will require regular trimmings as it can get up to 6 feet in height when left unattended.  

Containers are great if you want to keep a small plant and trim regularly. Ground planting is better if you want a larger amount. It also makes a great plant to weave into natural borders, fences and trellises as a backdrop for other plants due to its woody stems. It has a soft sage-like fragrance and beautiful flowers.  

You should check before planting though, as its unfortunately classified as an invasive and noxious weed in a few states.  

What are your experiences with Mugwort? We’d love to hear how you use it- or any questions you may have!  

All the best, 


Composting In An Urban Setting

Hey Garden Guru’s! Let’s talk dirty for a moment….

It’s Spring and even the cooler parts of the world are defrosting and sprouting. Here at the guild home that means we are refreshing our gardens and that means really making sure we have healthy dirt. That is right!


Soil really is a living ecosystem and needs to be kept healthy to have a thriving garden. You can either spend money and buy fertilizers and compost and a whole slew of things from the store OR keep reading and find out how to compost at home for an eco-friendly way to boost your garden whether you are on a farm or in urban setting.


So, the short and skinny of it is that composting is you taking scrap organic matter and speeding up its decomposition to give you nutrient rich soil. The more in-depth science-y answer is that it is a controlled, aerobic (needing oxygen) process where microorganisms feed on materials (brown’s, green’s, and water) and digest them down into compost. However, you want to define it, if done correctly, you end up with a dark, crumbly, earthly smelling material that your plants will love.


Let’s talk about why you should compost AND maybe why you shouldn’t. I know I said let’s talk dirty, but I won’t do you dirty. There can be cons and things to look out for when composting and I like to play devils advocate sometimes.

photo of person s hand with words
Photo by cottonbro studio on
photo of person s hands

Let’s start with the pros and why we love composting in our own home. The first reason is usually why people start composting in the first place; improvements in soil quality, nutrient density, and structure. Most people who compost have a yard or garden and they are doing this to augment that. Composting is organic, can cause higher yields in crops, and is rather cheap as it uses what you are already throwing away. This brings me to my next pro; it cuts down on waste. This means less trash pickup needed and is also a very eco friendly way to reduce your carbon footprint. Composting also makes for an easy educational tool for your kids. Lastly, composting honestly just makes me feel good like I am doing something to give back to mother nature and allows me to soak in some homesteader vibes even when being stuck in the city.

close up photo of person s palm

Next let’s touch on cons. I do want to mention that some of these are worst case OR if you aren’t composting correctly but they do deserve a mention. The reason it looks so big is because I touch on a couple of those fixes. Let’s start with the fact that it does in most cases require an initial investment. This is either in you digging a large hole to compost in or purchasing bins or lumber to build compost boxes. The good news is that if you are a serious green thumb (or want to be), spending the extra money/time up front will pay off in the long run. Next is that the efficiency and quality of your composting depends on multiple factors… but mostly you. It does require some work, knowledge, and monitoring. You need to make sure it is aerated, kept moist, and that the proper types/amounts of materials are included. If you have too much or too little of certain nutrients it can cause smells, slow down the decomposition, or even reduce the effectiveness of the compost. The silver lining to this con is that this is super easy to learn about and some trial error will make you a pro in no time. Also, the whole point is that we will help you know what to compost. Some other things to just consider when thinking about WHERE to compost is that it does require space and at the end of the day you are decomposing organic matter which can cause the spread of disease, be a fire hazard, attract pests (rats, snakes, bugs), look gross or smell bad which is unpleasant for you but can also cause neighbors to complain. It takes some planning on where it is placed and how to keep it covered/contained so that it doesn’t become the neighborhood biohazard eyesore. Lastly, composting isn’t a fix all. You can’t compost every single organic thing (like meat/dairy) and it won’t always provide everything you need to garden (will depend on the already existing soil if anything else is needed).  

Improved soil quality, nutrients, and densityInitial investment of time and money
CheapEfficiency and quality depends on what and how much material goes into the compost
OrganicIs not without work
Higher yieldsNeeds to be monitored
Less wasteCan spread disease
Fewer garbage pickupsCan be a fire hazard
Easy Can attract pests (snakes, rats, insects)
Eco- friendlyLook gross or smell bad
Educational for kidsComplaints from neighbors
Good feeling doing something to give back to natureCan’t compost everything
May still need additional fertilizers


There are two main types of composting:

  • backyard composting in a bin or pile
  • vermicomposting using worms to break down materials
earthworms on a persons hand

Within those two categories though there limitless variations! Indoor and outdoor options, bins, cages, pits, keyhole gardens, manual, automatic… you get the point. I am NOT going to get into all the types and pros/cons of the different types (maybe in the future?). I am going to do is start with the basics; What backyard bin/pile composting and vermiculture have in common. Most of the process and “Ingredients” for composting are the same regardless of which route you choose to take. You need the following:

Organic Material (Brown’s vs Greens)

We are actually going to break this down into 2 different categories.

  1. Browns (Carbon or C rich materials): This would include dry leaves, plant stalks, and twigs that the microorganisms eat. 
  2. Greens (Nitrogen or N rich materials): This includes food scraps, grass clippings, and some manures which will help keep the heat in your pile at ideal conditions for material breakdown. 

Ideally we want to have a C:N (Carbon: Nitrogen) ratio of 30:1. This means that you want more Carbon heavy materials than Nitrogen heavy. You do not need to be this precise and start calculating like crazy but it is nice to have some browns and a bit of dirt handy to layer in when you add greens. This will help maintain ratios AND bury the compost that will tend to draw pests.

What You Can Compost at Home & Some C:N RatiosWhat to Avoid Composting at Home
Nitrogen-Rich Material (“Greens”)Meat, fish and bones
Food and vegetable scraps 1:17Cheese and dairy products
Most grass clippings and yard trim 1:20Pet waste and cat litter
Coffee grounds and paper filters 1:20Produce stickers
Paper tea bags (no staples)Fats, oils and greases
Eggshells (crushed)Glossy paper
Poultry Manure 1:10Treated or painted wood
Hair/Fur 1:10Aggressive weeds/weeds with seeds
Fresh Weeds 1:20Diseased and pest-infested plants
Cow Manure 1:20Compostable food service ware and compostable bags*
Horse Manure 1:25Cooked food (small amounts are fine)
Sheep Manure 1:17Herbicide treated plants
Dryer lint
Carbon-Rich Materials (“Browns”)Ash from coal burning stoves( contains heavy metals)
Dry leaves 80:1
Plant stalks and twigs
Shredded paper (non-glossy, not colored) and shredded brown bags 170:1
Shredded cardboard (no wax coating, tape, or glue) 350:1
Untreated wood chips or sawdust (fresh) 500:1
Corn Cobs 11:1
Straw 110:1
Paper towel 110:1
Pine Needles 70:1

If your ratios are off here are some things you might see:

  • too much Carbon rich browns will not provide enough Nitrogen for microbes to eat, the process will stay cool, and the breakdown will slow. 
  • too much Nitrogen rich greens will cause the compost to become slimy and smelly. 
  • having too many exposed greens with no cover OR having some non-compostable items such as meat, bones, fish or bread will attract rodents and other pests.

Water (Moisture)

The microbes and worms need the moisture to survive but too much water can turn it into a slimy, stinky mess and have it growing molds, pathogens, or mushrooms. The pile or bin needs to stay moist but not wet or drenched which usually means it needs to stay covered. A tight fitting cover will help maintain steady moisture and has the added benefit of keeping stink in and rodents out. 

I like to check my moisture once a week. 

  • if the pile is too dry I will add moisture and turn it (also adding aeration) or else the activity in the pile will slow down. 
  • if the pile stinks OR it is wet enough to squeeze moisture out, it is too wet or needs more air circulation. Add more dry brown’s to help absorb the water, turn the pile, and allow some covered ventilation to help evaporate some of the excess
  • if the pile is too cool to the touch, add water to the pile or bin as that is also a sign of low moisture. 

Air (Oxygen)

Your pile needs to stay aerated so that the worms and microorganisms have enough Oxygen and the air will help regulate the temperature and moisture of your pile/bin. Having it at the correct temperature/churned will also help kill weed seeds and disease organisms as well as discouraging pests from moving in. If I haven’t had to churn it for my weekly moisture check, I definitely churn it every 2 weeks. You do not want to do so too often no matter how tempting it can be. churning too often can actually slow the process down. 


Here’s the thing… composting takes T-I-M-E (unless you have one of those cool countertop machines). But how much time it takes is up to you and how much effort you want to put in. It could take a couple months to a couple years. The more you make sure conditions are ideal when it comes to C:N balance, moisture, and oxygen the quicker the process will go. Is our pile cold and dry? It will eventually break down but it could take a long, long, loooooooong time. 

Above and beyond all that, here are a few more tips and tricks:

  • DO monitor the progress of your compost. it could be quicker or slower to mature. It will have shrunk down, have no visible food  scraps. It should look loose, dark, and crumbly. Sometimes it is necessary to sort out ready from not quite mature compost. 
  • DO consider where you are putting the compost. Will it be inside or outside? Most likely you want it away from the house and in the shade to keep it from stinking up or drying out too quickly. The South Carolina Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling has a great pdf that covers how to decide what type of composting would be a good idea based on what you are working with. (
  • DO shred, chop, etc. Items broken down will break down quicker. 
  • DON’T just use the compost pile as a trash can. There are plenty of things that are NOT good to compost. 
  • DON’T assume that it should be composted if you aren’t sure. Look it up! For example, a lot of outdoorsy people know that ash is good for plants and that is why smaller forest fires revitalize forests and lead to a lot of new growth. BUT in composting you do not want a lot of ash. Charcoal ash can contain heavy metals and ash from wood burning stoves in large amounts can raise the pH too much. My point is… RESEARCH!
  • DO look up more information. There is a lot out there to find for free online. A couple good resources are:

That’s it! That is all it takes. With a little planning and an initial investment you can create a sustainable, feel good project that gives back to your eco footprint, saves waste and money and isn’t expensive or overly work intensive to maintain.

Go make some dirt!


Beltane: 10 Ways to Celebrate

I’m not going to lie, writing this post has been harder than I thought it would, considering how much I love Beltane. With the symbolism, history, flowers, and fresh feeling in the air, it’s typically a wonderful time for me.  

Whilst I have still enjoyed those things, there has been a bit of melancholy with it this year. Taylor and I lost our maternal grandmother this past week on her birthday, and every time I went to write anything at all I felt as if nothing good would come of it, So I couldn’t bring myself to do it.  

Instead, I have spent the last several days going on walks, working on crafts, and sitting in sunny patches at parks trying to remind myself that I do still love the Universe and there’s good things in it. Which is, ironically, in a weird twist of fate, something I try to do at Beltane anyways. Albeit for a different reason. It just seemed fitting though. I needed to be outside, and my grandma loved flowers. 

In another coincidence, our Paternal Grandmother’s Birthday is actually on Beltane, so this was usually a time the I already spent reflecting somewhat on loved ones I missed, the ache just a little less raw with time.  

The more I reflected on the last few days, the more I felt better about Beltane this year. We even finally got some sunshine this weekend, it was the first truly clear sky and warm day I think we’ve had in months. And that is something I think they both would have appreciated. So, I decided to dedicate Beltane this year to my grandmas. 

To Esther and Norma; the nurturing and wonderful women that they were.  

Beltane is an old Holiday, dating back to pre-Christian era Ireland and Scotland. Our earliest records of Beltane date back to 908 AD, which suggest even then that the holiday was an old and significant one. Like many people of the time, Ireland and Scotland divided the year into two parts: Winter and Summer. Winter began at Samhain (Nov 1) and Summer began at Beltane (May 1).  

This was a time the veil between our realm and the faerie realm was thinner. On May Eve, both witches and fae would run loose and extra precautions had to be taken against their enchantments. It was a time to bless homes, light bonfires, dance around maypoles, feast, and invoke ancient practices that promote fertility.  

The word Beltane originates from the Celtic word for Baal or bel, meaning ‘Bright One’ also known as Firefall, Calan Mai or May Day. Beltane had a heavy focus on sexuality and fertility. Children conceived during Beltane (and hence born at Imbolc) were believed to belong to the Goddess and were often referred to as ‘merry-be-gots’. These Children supposedly have a closer connection to the faerie realm and were believed to be able to see things that others could not. Whilst the veil was thinner between worlds on Beltane, it was a common superstition that the spirits of Beltane were thought to be looking for reincarnation or sexual intercourse and you may not truly know if who you met in the woods that day was who you truly thought it was.     

My favorite ways to celebrate Beltane include: 

1. Refreshing your Altar

For Beltane, think flowers and greenery, especially yellow flowers. Floral Candles, or candles in yellows and pinks are good additions.  Good colors to incorporate are Reds, Greens, Yellows and golds especially. set and refresh your alter with specific intentions. If you are looking for stones to incorporate- turn to bloodstone, emerald, orange carnelian, and Rose Quartz. common symbols are goats, rabbits, baskets, bees, and cows. 

2. Host a bonfire

This can be done solo in your own home or hearth if you are an introvert, but it was traditionally a major feast day that was about bounty and harvest and planting. I would encourage you to get a group of friends or family together and enjoy your evening bonfire, maybe roast some marshmallows. If you want to go the whole nine traditional yards, you can try leaping over the embers once they have burned down (I would of course suggest this with the greatest of caution, and don’t do anything stupid or dangerous).  

3. Go flower picking, arrange bouquets, make flower crowns

Fill your home with spring blooms and greenery, and make sure to give thanks to mother nature for her beauty.  

4. Have a Maypole Celebration

Some towns still host these, if not- be the person to bring them back. This was traditionally done as part of the community feast, dancing and playing music. It’s a fun past time and great for building community.  

5. Perform a meditative Ritual

At Beltane this typically focuses on the female energy (this does not exclude you menfolk). Light a candle and sit quietly with your eyes closed. let the light fill you up and focus during your meditation on those more feminine aspects of yourself; Your gentler, more nurturing side. your instinct to grow and care for others. your sometimes wrathful side. What of those aspects help you in your day to day? Which parts of that bring you strength during your day? Which parts would you like to maybe work on or strengthen? Spend a few minutes writing down your affirmations for the upcoming season. Things you want to focus on but also things that are currently positive in your life. Close your ceremony by burning the paper to seal your intentions.  

6. Prepare a May Basket

In older days, people would put together baskets of flowers, treats, home good products they made themselves within their community and hang them on the doors of neighbors or friends to share their bounty. Plus, it’s fun to give.  

7. Prepare your Beltane Feast

This one is self-explanatory- but food is my love language so I’m going to explain anyways. Beltane was one of the major feast days. The easiest, most important thing you can do this Beltane is cook a meal with family or friends and share it with them. dairy, eggs, grains and foods of the harvest are great. Wild foraged foods are equally excellent for this. Honey, Oats, and Mead are also very traditional. You can always cook inside but given the nature of the fire festival I always encourage people to cook over an open flame, either with a fire pit (see bonfire) or even on a grill if that’s what you have to work with. Be intentional with your thoughts and actions while you cook. Take your time sharing your meal, don’t rush. Focus on connections and spending time with those you care about. Make good memories to enter the new season with.  

8. Make ribbon wishes

Another old Beltane tradition is to write your wishes for the season on a little piece of ribbon and tie it to the branch of a tree (Hawthorne, Ash, and Sycamore are traditional- but any healthy growing tree will do).  

9. Take action on a project you have been working on

Beltane is a time to focus on growth and prosperity during the wheel of the year. If you set intentions at Imbolc and planted those seeds at Ostara, then Beltane is the time to grow and take action. Starting a business, writing a book, learning a skill…. Whatever your goal was- now is the time to act and put your intentions to work.   

10. Tend to your garden

Whether the last frost is just passing in your region and its now time to plant, or its already wonderfully warm and you have seedlings sprouting. Today is a good day to spend some time with your hands in the dirt. Walk your garden. Talk to your plants, set your intentions for them. help them grow. Manifest the Earth Mother today.  

As always, have fun, enjoy the journey. Be safe and share your celebrations!  

All the best,  
