10 Easy Ways to Plan a More Sustainable Wedding

Happy Friday! With bridal season starting back up, and us working on a few events for this year, sustainable event planning has been on the forefront of our mind lately. Event hosting (especially weddings) can be a big source of waste if we’re not mindful. In many cases, things are purchased, used once, and discarded. Its never sat well with us, and that’s part of the idea behind the kind of events that RavenWerks wants to host. Today we want to share ways to help you plan a more sustainable wedding.

The Green Bride Guide states that the average wedding produces 400 lbs of garbage and 63 tons of CO2. With an estimated 2.5 million weddings per year, that is about 1 billion lbs of trash and as many emissions as approximately 4 people would produce in a year, in just one single day (link).

Consider Reusable Décor

Mikaela & Taylor, Guild owners & unique event visionaries

This can mean a lot of things. You could go the route of renting, which means it doesn’t end up in a landfill, and you don’t have to store it afterwards. There are a lot of different services out there that provide linens and specialty dishware as well as other things.

If you have a very niche theme, this can seem more intimidating, but don’t let that deter you. You can do a lot if you’re creative enough. If you’re a Washington local you can also reach out to us, that’s kind of what we do. We love to help create custom events for alternative décor styles and take the stress off of you. You can learn more about that process (here).

Create Legacy Pieces

Another idea in this area is to choose décor that you can reuse in your home later. As an example, I planned on reusing all the frames we made for my wedding to display our wedding photos in our home. It worked out really well, and I now have a really unique collage full of memorabilia. We turned the silk flowers we used for part of our decor into a chandelier in our dining room. My gnomes are now in my garden, and my D&D dice are, well, my D&D dice. A more sustainable wedding doesn’t have to mean that you skip out on creating an intentional experience.

Donating Decor

You can also donate your wedding décor if it’s something that isn’t name specific. Thrift stores are always an option. But a lot of wedding planning companies also take donations to help them build their inventory of what they can offer to others. You just need to find a planner/ rental company that matches your style of décor. If you have décor that matches their style you can support a small business and keep things out of landfills. If you’d like to donate, you can reach out to us at info@ravenwerksguild.com.

Hire Sustainable vendors

Your vendors and the people helping you on wedding day are a huge factor in how much waste is produced. Talk to your vendors as you book about what their practices are like (I know, it’s one more thing to consider, but it’s worth it). Some states and areas even have vendor groups of companies that are vetted. Zola and the Knot have a filter you can use if you are using a service. If you’re a Washingtonian, check out Emerald Hour Wedding Society, they offer amazing information.

In some ways, the easiest thing you can do to plan a more sustainable wedding is hire vendors that have practices in place, as that is where the bulk of wedding waste is.

Let your Bridesmaids/ Groomsmen Thrift their Attire

This can be harder to do for groomsmen depending on your style. However, where possible I highly recommend it. Another back up is to rent it, especially if you’re going more formal. This is one of the simplest things you can do on this list.

The days of mandatory matching dresses are over. Many modern weddings opt to have bridesmaids all wear different dresses in the same color or color palette. With the way the fast fashion industry contributes to ladfills and carbon emissions, I strongly urge brides to let their bridesmaid’s thrift or buy consignment for their gowns. Being a bridesmaid can be expensive and that can be hard for friends; even if your best friend wants to help on your big day. Allowing your friends to thrift their clothing can also make things less stressful for them. It can also make for a fun wedding activity to do together.

This helps merge a more sustainable wedding with a touch of individuality. AND it ensures that each of your bridesmaids will get to wear something that they feel comfortable and good about themselves in. Very few things are worse than being forced into clothing that makes you feel exposed or bad about yourself for hours on end in front of lots of people. Especially when you KNOW pictures are going to be taken that will probably be on someones wall for all time.

Shop Consignment for Your Wedding Gown.

Don’t freak. I know that for some people and cultural groups there are superstitions around this (mine included because I had to have this conversation with my mom). But consider for a moment the environmental fallout from how many wedding dresses are thrown away every year. It’s momunmental the number of dresses that are purchased to be worn once and never put on again. There are also the millions of dresses that never get purchased, and get discarded.

Mikaela and Taylor out front of Astraea Bridal where she Bought her Dress.

Consignment is not what many people think it is. Many consignment boutiques do carry local consignment (dresses that have been worn by brides and then consigned). These dresses are vetted thoroughly for condition, style, and quality. Additionally, most consignment boutiques mostly carry over stock and discontinued sample dresses. Meaning they are typically only a year old and have never been in an actual wedding, just a show room floor.

This is not only a way for you to help keep something out of a landfill, and support a small business, but also save money planning your wedding. Most consignment bridal shops are selling 20-40% off original retail. You can always tweak your dress in alterations and then you still get the option of keeping your dress after, or consigning it back if you want to recoupe some money.

In Washington, we love Astraea Bridal in Mt Vernon (we’re biased, that’s where I bought my dress and sometimes help out at). Laura, Leslie, and Megan really know what their doing and create an amazing personalized experiences that really make you feel comfortable and safe. We’ve also heard great things about Brides for a Cause in Seattle, if you’re more in that area.

Consider your paper waste

Is all the paper necessary? Do you need a program, and place holders, and a pamphlet about the bridal party? Pare down what isn’t applicable to you. It’s always been weird to us that in a world where we understand that we use far too much paper, we still hold on to certain wasteful practices in the name of tradition. Companies like Zola and the Knot also allow you to have people RSVP online. This not only saves you from having to manually count and keep track of your answers, it also eliminates RSVP cards.

What stationery you do need, go for natural fibers and recyclable material. Or consider compostable materials and seed papers. They are still high quality, and heavier weight papers, but without as negative of an impact to the environment. Planning a sustainable wedding doesn’t have to mean that you use NO paper, just be smart about what you choose.

Transportation and Venue

A seemingly smaller thing to consider is cutting down your guest list if possible. This reduces your costs, but also the per capita waste on every single thing in your wedding. Less food, less party favors, less paper products etc.

Another thing is to have your ceremony and reception in the same place if you’re not getting married in a church or religious building. This cuts down on carbon emissions from having to shuffle everyone around (and saves you from having to organize transportation as an added bonus).

Tackle Your Registry with Intentionality

While some very established couples choose to forgo a registry altogether, being environmentally conscious and choosing to plan a more sustainable wedding, doesn’t mean you have to. There a number of things you can do to make this more eco-forward.

Look into a company like Everlastly. This company offers more traditional wedding registry items for couples that still need the more traditional things. However, they are sustainably made, transparently rated, and vetted through a process designed to promote honesty from vendors. We love them.

You should also consider what you need and what you don’t, and talk to your guests. We know that talking to people about asking for gifts is an uncomfortable topic for a lot of people, we totally get it. But it doesn’t have to be if done with authenticity.

A lot of people will just buy something from the traditional wedding gift list if they aren’t sure what to do. When putting your registry together consider things in your life that you really want or need. Many online registries will allow you to open group gifts so people can contribute to something bigger that you may need instead of a butter dish that you only pull out once when they’re over.

Consider what your goals are as a couple.

If you both decide you don’t really need anything, be transparent with your guests about that. “We don’t really need more stuff, your presence is all we need. However if you really want to contribute to the start of our next step ________blank is really important to us and we’re saving for __________.” Maybe you’re both working to pay off student loans, or purchase a home. Maybe you haven’t taken a trip in forever and you’d really love to take a special trip. Letting guests that want to give you something for your wedding, contribute to something bigger that is important to the two of you is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.

Consider your Flowers

Local Floral Display By Floravore

There are two different approaches to this. One is to go the Wooden flowers route then you have a unique way to keep and preserve your flowers. If you’re like me and still just want the simplicity of natural flowers, the other option is to make sure that you are picking local, in season florals. This is better for the natural grow cycle, supports local business, and cuts down on CO2 emissions as the travel for transport of imported flowers is eliminated. This in part comes back to your vendors. Have a conversation with your florist about where they get their product from and who their suppliers are.

If you go the second route, then they are either compostable, organic material, which goes right back to mother earth or you can have them dried or preserved if you’re more of a memorabilia person.

Dinner Ware

Depending on your style, this might have a bit of overlap with “vendors”, however, it bears mentioning.

If you are having a more formal get together, consider renting dishes or see if your venue will provide them. We’ve seen a few people do the thrifted unique dishes as well which is really quirky depending on your theme, and what your plan for them afterwards is.

If you’re having an outside wedding, or something a bit more laid back (but still nice and put together), opt for compostable dishes over regular disposable paper or plastic. Many paper plates aren’t compostable or recyclable because of the coating on them. Plastic ware finds itself in the same boat. Compostables have come a long way and there are a number of different styles and types available that range from uber casual to natural or more polished looking. You can even buy them on amazon if you aren’t sure where to start.

Consider your Wedding Favors

Tea Party Favors by RavenWerks Guild

Many couples are choosing to forgo this part of a wedding altogether, and we’re totally here for simplifying and minimizing the consumer behemoth that has become commercialized weddings.

However, my inner Hobbit’s need for elevated hospitality completely understands the decision to cut a different part of the wedding in favor thanking my guests. At the same time, it’s silly to waste your money on something that honestly nobody needs, will cost you money, and end up in a landfill (we’re talking to you overpriced bride and groom wineglass. We don’t really need dinnerware with someone else’s name on it).

There are some really unique and environmentally friendly ways to express gratitude to your guests for coming. Put your heads together for something inexpensive that is reflective of you, and the authenticity will make it mean more to your guests as well. If it’s handmade or edible- even better.

A Few Favorites We’ve Seen

  • Miniature loose leaf local teas with honey sticks
  • Reuseable aromatherapy heat packs
  • Little wooden Ornaments
  • Custom Cookies
  • Hand rolled candles.
  • A print of the bride and grooms favorite picture with each of the guests (these we’re printed at Walgreens with a little note. We’ve also seen a variation of this done as a cool thank you note- the bride and groom’s favorite picture from their wedding with each guest for their thank you cards).
  • Chocolate truffles
  • Homemade preserves
  • Tiny soaps
  • Little succulents
  • Sample jars of honey
  • Sample bags of coffee
  • Homemade bird seed ornaments
  • Little air plants
  • Pet rocks (this sounds bizarre but it was weirdly adorable and people were tickled)
  • Evergreen seedlings

Rethink Your Send Off

newlyweds couple dancing on wedding
Photo by Jacqueline James on Pexels.com

If you’re doing a formal send off or goodbye, there are a couple versions we wish people would skip for various reasons. Please don’t use rice. Despite being biodegradable, birds eat it and it’s really terrible for them, it can even kill them. Skip the glitter and plastic confetti. Quite frankly, glitter is an abomination and people shouldn’t use it for anything. A quick google search will reveal the tip of the iceberg where the hazards of microplastics are concerned, but the far reaching consequences of them goes even deeper.

Try opting instead for dried flowers like lavender, or jasmine. Paper confetti is also an option if you get a compostable or non-acidic type. We’ve seen bird seed used and we also knew a couple that had a wedding in the fall and hole punched dried leaves for confetti, which was really unique.

In Our Opinion

Weddings should be intentional, personal, and unique. While yes, you are hosting an event you are also celebrating a major life-decision, step, and life long commitment. You are celebrating your relationship with your best friend and partner. There are so many possibilities and ways to make things unique even on a budget. As passionate about that as we are, we truly don’t believe that doing that requires us to sacrifice on our ethics, or the environment.

These are our favorite ways to incorporate sustainability into planning a beautiful wedding (that will hopefully take some of the strain off your pocketbook as well). This list is by no means comprehensive, and we’d love to hear your ideas as well. You never know who else you could help (and of course the planet). We’re constantly striving to improve our services and the way we do business. Collaboration and education is a big part of that.  Let us know if there is something else people can do to lessen the environmental impact that hosting a wedding can have.

All the best, Always,


Accessable Sustainability in the Home: 5 Areas to Improve

Sustainability is one of those topics that seems to perpetually be at the forefront of the news. And it should be. Given the trajectory of the world and our modern disposable habits; we have some very real, very alarming problems on our hands. It is easy to get discouraged. There is so much information out in the world, and it seems to be changing every day regarding what is good and what is bad. In a lot of ways, it seems like sustainability is out of reach, or that many of the things that could make a huge impact in the world are beyond ‘the little guy’; the people like you and I want to help but are just one person.  

So today, we are going to dial it in, and bring it a bit closer to home. There are massive, large-scale legislative, societal, and corporate changes that need to be made, BUT there are a number of physically actionable things that any one person can do every single day around the house to make an impact. Some of them might surprise you if you were raised like we were. Technology has changed since we were kids, and with new information comes new decisions.  

We could give you a list of hundreds of things you could do around the house to be more sustainable; some more achievable than others. Instead, we will boil it down to 5 main categories:

  1. Use fewer finite resources.
  2. Think reusable instead of disposable.
  3. Purchase with a conscience.
  4. Work with your surroundings.
  5. Use your community.

Most of what you commonly see in lists of how to be sustainable can be associated with these categories, so in our household, we try to remember them and constantly ask ourselves if our actions fit within them.

Use Fewer Finite Resources.

When we talk about using fewer finite resources, we are talking about water, electricity, gas, petroleum, (tree) paper products, etc. This is a fantastic place to start because, not only is it low cost…  you will save money. Usually because these resources can run out, you have to pay more and more to use them. And any adult can tell you that utilities are EXPENSIVE now-a-days. A couple ideas to consider are:

  • Carpool or walk when you can to save using gas.
  • Consider keeping your thermostat range at an ambient temperature closer to the real temperature.
  • In older buildings, check weather stripping and window/door seals. It will make it easier to maintain your internal temp for cheaper, save electricity, AND there are even fixes available on the market for rentals.
  • Swap to LED lights and turn lights off when you leave a room. Electricity adds up and some lights actually put off heat.
  • Wash clothing in the cold setting and then line dry them when possible.
  • RUN THAT DISHWASHER! Remember that not all convenient appliances are unsustainable. As technology has continued to progress and sustainability movements have increased, many kitchen appliances can be more sustainable than people! Newer models of dishwashers, for example, use less water than the average hand washer.

Think Reusable Instead of Disposable.

So, this can mean a couple of things. It can be switching out consumables to reusable items that do not need to be replaced and repurchased as often such as:

  • Switching disposable, synthetic sponges that accumulate germs to reuseable dish cloths that can be washed. Alternatively, you can use all natural sponges or loofah’s grown from squash that can be composted.
  • Use reuseable bags at the store instead of plastic bags.  It cuts down on waste, looks cuter, and they are less likely to rip.
  • Reduce kitchen plastics and single use packaging by using glass storage instead of plastic Tupperware’s, reusable snack bags instead of Ziplocs, and waxed fabric covers instead of saran wrap.

To some extent, everything will get worn out eventually so sometimes avoiding the disposable can also mean just investing in a higher quality item that will have more longevity. A good place to invest for this would be in your electrical products.

  • You should try to keep your keep electrical products for at least 7 years (Read more here) and starting off with a better quality item will reduce how often it needs to be replaced.
  • Another item to try extending the life on is your vehicle. Considering going electric is great to decrease gas use, but what many don’t consider is that constantly getting new vehicles creates additional, hard to dispose of waste.

You can also include recycling or upcycling in this category. Try to avoid throwing something in the trash as much as possible.

  • Learn to recycle CORRECTLY. By this I mean, actually look at what recycling is available in your area. Some towns have different capabilities such as different items they are equipped to recycle or different sorting needs. Additionally, you need to make sure that ONLY recyclables go in that bin… not your leftovers that were still in the recyclable to-go container.
  • Consider donating, selling, or altering old clothing instead of trashing it. And as an extension, shop vintage and thrift when possible. You will find the coolest fits for very reasonable costs.
  • Switch to all natural cleaning products as this means less harmful waste in the dumps.
  • Shop zero waste toiletries (like toothpaste tabs) to cut down on even more trash.
  • Stop using plastic toothbrushes when there are completely biodegradable alternatives.  

Purchase With a Conscience.

There is a bit of overlap between this category and the last. Yes, this can mean in the broadest sense, thinking about buying something (like a vehicle) and thinking about the longevity of it or the long-term consequences of its construction. What we really mean though is think about the who, what, where, and how of your product. Is your food from a sustainable, local farmer or was it grown mono-crop style and then X amount of gas used to transport it across the country to you? If it is sea food, how is it harvested? Is the farm known for using anything particularly harmful or, and I hate to bring politics into this, do they support some movement or practice you really think shouldn’t be allowed? Every purchase is a vote; for who you wish to succeed, what legislations has backing, what becomes mainstream, etc. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Buy your produce from permaculture farms and farmers markets, whenever possible. It will be fresher, local produce so your food will taste better, less gas will be used in transport, and you are supporting your local economy instead of some far away big wig.
  • Switch to seasonal produce. Out of season produce needs additional resources in an artificial setting to produce… produce. *Ba-Dum-Tss*  It is more expensive because they need to waste additional resources to create it. Save money and resources by avoiding off season avocados.
  • Pay attention to where your beef comes from. This is accurate of any meat or produce but let’s use beef as an example. Avoid huge feed lots. They are very harmful to the flora, fauna, waterways, etc, produce huge amounts of methane gas, and often contaminate the surrounding areas.

Work With Your Surroundings.

What we mean by working with your surroundings is to try to give back to it. Up until now, our categories have been about how to minimize how we damage the ecosystem… take less, pollute less, waste less, etc. Now I want you to think about how you can contribute positives. Things like:

  • Composting! We have talked about this a bit in the past, but composting can even be done in apartment settings. It decreases what is going in your trash, effectively contributes much needed nutrients back into the soil and depending on your process can actually save you money on things like fertilizers or chicken feed if you choose to feed them scraps.  
  • Using a rain barrel for your gardening will help you not use processed water in your yard and cuts down on your water bill. A lot of rainwater is wasted and ends up in drains when it can’t get through roads, sidewalks, buildings etc. Instead, saving it and using it to water plants or your yard means it will end up back in your local aquifer as well.
  • Skipping the pesticides and instead looking for more natural alternatives, like companion planting, will allow beneficial local insects like bees, etc. to flourish.
  • Planting a native sanctuary garden or zero-scaping allows you to support local wildlife, cut down on supplemental watering, prevents the spread of invasive/ nonnative species, and can still look fantastic/be aesthetically pleasing.

Use Your Community.

Find your community and use them. We do not mean pull a “Mean Girls” and manipulate them. What we do mean is that you should find a community and utilize the tools that they offer. People who maximize their sustainability do it because they care about making a positive difference. They WANT to share that passion and help others do the same. Finding sustainable options and making good decisions can sometimes be tough. The good news is that there are communities of people passionate about sustainability who are trying to make it a more accessible option. They aren’t trying to milk it for money. Instead, they just want to educate and change the world. Think about:

  • Looking into food waste boxes like Misfits Market and Imperfect Foods… they sell boxes of discounted produce that isn’t pretty enough to sell in the grocery stores. It is totally perfect and would otherwise be wasted because it doesn’t meet a visual standard. This also helps you try new seasonal produce as well.
  • Joining a co-op or collaborative like Grove… this is a great way to find products that align with your morals. Grove for example is a subscription for affordable, natural, sustainable home and self-care products. In many cases, their alternatives as cheaper than what we can find at the grocery store and they have a huge variety of products from natural sponges to bamboo paper products (good quality toilet paper and paper towels), to individual toothpaste tablets.

That is a very simplified version of things but hopefully it will help jumpstart your brain and give you some points to think about when trying to live more sustainably. And remember that this doesn’t need to be a large overhaul of your life all at once. Just remember the 5 areas we discussed when you make your next decision. When you are choosing between products or actions, just make one choice different at first and you will find that the rest just gradually follows.

Catch you later!

RavenWerks Guild

Lets Get Dirty: Navigating Dubious Crops for Cleaner Food

An overview of ‘dirty’ and ‘clean’ crops 

Good morning, friends!  

As promised, today we’ll be taking a brief foray into the Dirty Dozen and the clean fifteen. You may have seen our previous post regarding kitchen sustainability where we discussed being aware as a consumer and changing the framework of your diet. This takes a bit of a deeper dive into one particular aspect of that. 

This is one of those controversial topics that I love. GMO vs non-GMO, organic vs nonorganic, food deserts and food accessibility. Through sheer population, food demand, and economic structure the United States has resorted to and evolved some pretty intense farming techniques and farming alternatives to try and keep up.  

selective focus photo of crop plants
Photo by Mark Stebnicki on Pexels.com

Now I’m not here to bash the system as a whole. We did what we thought we had to at certain hard times in history to make things work and we thought that what we were doing would make food in general more accessible to all. Over time, however we have found that some of those developments may have had unexpected long term consequences. 

Whilst I hate info-dumping and lengthy definitions, some things bear defining. so let’s go over a brief glossary of some of those terms: 

GMO: Genetically modified organism. In food, this refers to the use of recombinant DNA technology or biotechnology to alter foods. This may be to increase yields, or fruit bearing years. It can also make certain crops more resistant to pests or specific chemicals. In animals it can make them resistant to certain illnesses, or be hormonal to help with milk production or egg production. 

Organic: specifically in regards to food, the US requires that all ‘certified organic foods’ are grown without artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, or GMO’s. Now, this can be a bit misleading because not all organics are created equal; and we’ll get to that in later posts if you haven’t yet taken Michael Polan’s Masterclass. But at it’s root means that the food or crop was grown or raised the way it organically would on its own. 

Food desert: a geographic area where fresh food is harder to come by due to drought, geology, or the requirement for import- thereby driving local food costs higher due to demand.  

As science has developed and we now have the data to show the long term effects of some of these modifications, there is a growing demand for Organic or ‘clean’ food. This doesn’t mean washing your strawberries (though you should be doing that still). It refers to the production method of your food from start to finish. This is for a number of reasons: 

  1. Several studies are beginning to suggest that organic food has more nutritional value. This is not concrete yet as there are a variety of factors that affect nutritional content at the time of testing, but a lot of the evidence points in that direction.  
  1. Organically grown crops do have more antioxidants and vitamins in them. This is visibly documentable. Specifically  vitamin C, zinc, and iron. In fact, antioxidant levels can be up to 69% higher in these foods. Organic plants do not rely on chemical pesticide sprays to protect themselves. Instead, they produce more of their own protective compounds, namely antioxidants. This may partly explain the higher levels of antioxidants in these plants.  (https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-is-organic-food#more-nutrients). 
  1. Organic crops reduce your exposure to artificial chemicals and pesticides. GMO’s and pesticides have been linked to an increase in childhood allergies, autoimmune issues, cancers, and birth defects.  
close up photo of wheat field
Photo by Tetyana Kovyrina on Pexels.com

In a perfect world, crops would just be able to grow the way they were meant to and everybody would be able to access fresh clean food. But the world isn’t perfect, and not everybody (myself included) can always afford to buy everything organic. It’s pricey. This leads us to the dirty dozen. The dirty dozen is a list put out by the EWG or Environmental Working Group every year to name the top 12 crops with the highest residual pesticide content. 

If you want to start towards a “cleaner” diet, and being more cognizant of what you’re ingesting; but you can’t afford to buy everything organic, I get it. The dirty dozen is a good place to start. If you’re only going to buy a few things organic because that’s what’s in your budget- start there. It’s important to note that this list changes every year because how companies grow crops changes, so make sure you make an annual check in. 

The current dirty dozen is: 

  1. Strawberries 
  1. Spinach 
  1. Kale 
  1. Nectarines 
  1. Apples 
  1. Grapes 
  1. Peaches  
  1. Cherries 
  1. Pears 
  1. Tomatoes 
  1. Celery 
  1. Potatoes 

Now, for everything, there is an opposite. The EWG also has what they consider the “Clean 15” this is the annual list of produce crops that are considered to be the lowest risk with the lowest alteration/pesticide rate and therefore safer to buy conventionally. 

  1. Avocados 
  1. Sweet corn 
  1. Pineapples 
  1. Frozen sweet peas 
  1. Onions 
  1. Papayas 
  1. Eggplant 
  1. Asparagus 
  1. Kiwi 
  1. Cabbage 
  1. Cauliflower 
  1. Cantaloupe 
  1. Broccoli 
  1. Mushrooms 
  1. Honeydew Melon 

If you ever want to check back or look into the EWG farther you can find the link to their organization here.

Keep your eyes open as we move further into food sustainability. I hope this was beneficial and informative. As always, chime in with questions, thoughts, or additions.  

All the best, 


The Green Kitchen: A Crash Course in Kitchen Sustainability   

I’m so excited for today’s post because I get to merge two of my favorite subjects: Kitchens and Sustainability. Quite frankly this post is long overdue. But I’m not going to lie- between the move, starting a new and wonderful job adventure that is putting us farther on the path to success, and wedding planning I have simply not had enough hours in the day to give this topic the amount of space that I think it deserves. I think sustainability and being environmentally minded is one of those topics that everybody should be discussing and the kitchen is frequently a stressful area for families between day to day chaos and the rising cost of groceries; but it’s also ironically one of those places that is easiest to trim things from- metaphorically speaking, if you know what to do.  

So come, my little ducklings, and let me share my knowledge- because Mother knows best! (Insert catchy Disney song here). I am a believer that the little things are what give you big returns, so let’s talk littles in the kitchen! Some of these I think will surprise you with how innocuous of a change they are; but it’s the trivial things we do mindlessly that make the biggest difference. 

1. Scraps!

This is my number one “Big” little. Taylor touched a bit on this in her ComPosting (ha! see what I did there?) If you missed that post- check, it out {here} there’s a ton of valuable info in it. But I want to elaborate a tidbit on it. whilst many of your kitchen scraps CAN get composted, there are a select few things that have BETTER uses than compost. Uses that go right back into your kitchen to save you money while being environmentally friendly. These scraps include carrots, celery, onions, parsley, and any form of bones- beef, poultry, even shrimp casings and clam shells. These, I store in a small tub in my fridge for the veggies and the freezer for the meat bones/ scraps. When I have enough, I throw it all into a large stock pot with water and boil it into the best stock you’ll ever have, then it can be used for anything you’d use stock for. I also do this anytime we have a turkey (at the holidays) or a rotisserie chicken, you just boil the whole carcass with the veggie waste from your stuffing and go. If you’re short on space, you can even cook it down really far until it’s concentrated and then freeze it. If you want a super basic stock recipe that anybody can do, click HERE

2. Grow your own veggies from scraps.

This can take a bit more space and planning obviously. BUT it can hugely cut down on your carbon footprint and in theory, can make a large impact over time in “single crop farm” system; which has been proven to be very detrimental to the environment and the nitrogen cycle. some of the easiest to learn to regrow are lettuce, onions, peppers of all varieties, and cucumbers. We’ll be going more over that in future posts- so keep your eyes peeled. It will also save you money on your grocery bill after the initial investment. 

3. Mindfulness with your kitchen utensils.

This one is a bit more abstract- but hear me out. Kitchen upgrades, small wares, the age of plastic, and a serious case of FOMO combined with the human need to have the “latest and greatest” of whatever is on the market has led to a “disposable culture” that is altogether blatantly wasteful with little to no regard for the consequences. I have even seen people forget Tupperware’s in their fridge and not feel like cleaning out the goo inside, so they’ll throw away an entire, perfectly fine Tupperware. “It’s just one.” you say. but when you have 55,000 people (and I’m being incredibly conservative here) do that- that’s a lot of plastic. So, when I talk about Mindfulness in your kitchen utensils, I’m meaning think about the longevity of the tools you’re using. I’d rather have one or two things that cost me more money but will last forever than have to replace 30 of something else because it doesn’t last as long even if it’s cheaper. Now this doesn’t mean go out and swap everything in your kitchen- that’s just as wasteful. and it doesn’t mean live beyond your means- that’s a slippery slope. But it does mean be mindful of what you’re choosing as things wear out and you need to replace them; start to be more intentional and more informed as a consumer. here are some of my favorite “eco-friendly” kitchen tools (some might surprise you). 

  • Wooden spoons and spatulas vs plastic: I own 1 plastic spatula, because there are some specific things (like candy making) that you can’t use wood for. but otherwise, I prefer wooden. BUT here’s the caveat: Bamboo is porous and can absorb flavors and odors and wears down faster- though it is fast to regrow, and therefore marketed as a ‘sustainable’ material; but not all sustainable things are created equal. Personally- I prefer Teak. Teak is a hardwood that is non-absorptive, won’t get little wooden fuzzies on them, and will last you FOREVER. next time you go to replace your tools- take a look. 
  • Stainless steel over plastic: this is just due to breakage. They will last longer, you don’t even have to consider BPA and contaminates, the material is recyclable at the end of its life, and easier to keep clean. 
  • Knives: This one is hard, because knives can be pricey. But if you invest in the right set of knives- they will serve you for the rest of your life. cheap ones are prone to breakage and chipping and the need for repairs. as an example, when my grandfather was a meat cutter, he bought himself a VERY nice set of carving knives and French knives. They got prodigious use for probably 30 years before he retired and then continued using them for personal use for another 30 years; and whilst I do have my knives from culinary school- I’ll be honest, they’re in storage for when my grandpa’s knives eventually die. My grandfather passed away in 2017, I inherited his knives and they’re still kicking.  
  • Cutting boards: Again- Plastic or Mylar may be ‘sturdy’ but they have a higher carbon footprint and eventually will land in a landfill. HARDWOOD cutting boards- again, I prefer teak. These require a bit more upkeep; but they look nicer, they last longer and they’re better for the environment.  
  • Analog vs digital: Sounds wacky. What do I mean by digital vs analog? When it comes to your smaller electric/mechanical kitchen appliances (blenders, crock pots, rice cookers, pressure cookers, toasters, toaster ovens, air fryers etc.). Being eco-friendly doesn’t mean not using them. They’re useful things, especially for those of use that are short on time; it means being smart about how we use them and what we purchase. Prior to the advent of everything “instant” a lot of these products existed but in more mechanical or “analog” forms. Here’s the biggest clincher with digital appliances and screens: They wear down faster. Which means you have to replace them faster because ‘repairs’ are not always practical or possible. things with “push buttons” and smart cookers etc.- if the digital wiring components malfunction or wear down, fixing them is almost impossible or so expensive that cost wise you may as well buy a new one. but the older mechanical ones can usually be easily repaired, or parts replaced. It’s almost like dealing with a mechanic for a car: the mechanical bits are easy to fix, if it’s a problem with your wiring harness- you’re both going to be swearing. I still use a push lever toaster; I prefer crock pots to quick cookers 90% of the time. My toaster oven is electric but it’s not digital (don’t confuse the two) same with my blender. Just think twice before you go buy your latest and greatest. 
  • Nonstick pans: Not all non-stick is equal. If you’re a kitchen nerd, then I am sure you know that sometimes you buy non-stick only to discover it was a cheap coating and it peels within months and you’re angry and annoyed. If you want non-stick, invest in some Hex-Clad pans and learn to take care of them. Alternately- copper is great and will last forever and they heat evenly and quickly because copper is a great conductor. For everything else I use cast-iron, which WILL last you forever.  

4. Change the framework of your diet.

Michael Polan

This is where I lose some people. Please take a deep breath and open your mind for a few moments. If you are reading this, I am hoping it’s because you are either passionate about sustainability or interested in the subject as well as passionate about food. If you’ve tuned into the blog previously then you’ll know that those are two of my favorite topics. You’ll also have heard me cite Michael Polan’s Masterclass on food. The modern food chain has become incredibly automated, overproduced, and over processed. in addition to that; food ethics plays a huge role in the food chain as well. I will be doing future posts more in depth on the food chain, and ethics in the near future starting with the ‘dirty dozen’ so I’ll be brief here- but in summary: changing the framework of your diet does not mean going ON a diet. It means changing the core structure of your diet and being a mindful consumer.  

Many Americans in particular eat far too much meat and a heavily processed diet. whilst there is a growing wave of plant-based movement, the overwhelming majority is still a meat and potatoes culture. This is where I tell you to take deep breaths. I’m not telling you to go vegetarian. I’m certainly not telling you that you have to go vegan. I am an omnivore- genetically and morally. BUT everything in moderation. And most people do not eat a moderate amount of meat, they eat A LOT of meat. Again, I cannot urge you enough to take Michael Polan’s master class on food and I am excited to expand on some of those topics coming up but in the meantime- the bones of the rules are: reduce your animal protein intake, increase your plant intake, be aware of who is growing your food and how, and if you can’t pronounce it- don’t eat it (this means the processed foods, the box dinners etc.). 

I promise, I will help you break this down in the coming months- it sounds complicated and like a lot but it’s not.  

5. What foods are you buying?

Are they sustainable? Are their ingredients sustainably sourced? This one is fairly straightforward, and it does overlap a bit with changing the STRUCUTRE of your diet. However, this is where we’re really looking at not only who grew it but also what was used to grow it as far as fertilizers, pesticides, what the animals were fed with, what the carbon footprint is, what the farming practices are. This is where you get up close and personal with the underbelly of the food industry. Things will surprise you (both negatively AND positively.)  

I hope this gives you some generic building block knowledge and sparks some new questions and thoughts for you. I’m so excited to continue this topic with you in the future as these are things that we plan to integrate into the fundamentals of our brick-and-mortar location and our company culture as we grow.  

All the best,  


Composting In An Urban Setting

Hey Garden Guru’s! Let’s talk dirty for a moment….

It’s Spring and even the cooler parts of the world are defrosting and sprouting. Here at the guild home that means we are refreshing our gardens and that means really making sure we have healthy dirt. That is right!


Soil really is a living ecosystem and needs to be kept healthy to have a thriving garden. You can either spend money and buy fertilizers and compost and a whole slew of things from the store OR keep reading and find out how to compost at home for an eco-friendly way to boost your garden whether you are on a farm or in urban setting.


So, the short and skinny of it is that composting is you taking scrap organic matter and speeding up its decomposition to give you nutrient rich soil. The more in-depth science-y answer is that it is a controlled, aerobic (needing oxygen) process where microorganisms feed on materials (brown’s, green’s, and water) and digest them down into compost. However, you want to define it, if done correctly, you end up with a dark, crumbly, earthly smelling material that your plants will love.


Let’s talk about why you should compost AND maybe why you shouldn’t. I know I said let’s talk dirty, but I won’t do you dirty. There can be cons and things to look out for when composting and I like to play devils advocate sometimes.

photo of person s hand with words
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com
photo of person s hands

Let’s start with the pros and why we love composting in our own home. The first reason is usually why people start composting in the first place; improvements in soil quality, nutrient density, and structure. Most people who compost have a yard or garden and they are doing this to augment that. Composting is organic, can cause higher yields in crops, and is rather cheap as it uses what you are already throwing away. This brings me to my next pro; it cuts down on waste. This means less trash pickup needed and is also a very eco friendly way to reduce your carbon footprint. Composting also makes for an easy educational tool for your kids. Lastly, composting honestly just makes me feel good like I am doing something to give back to mother nature and allows me to soak in some homesteader vibes even when being stuck in the city.

close up photo of person s palm

Next let’s touch on cons. I do want to mention that some of these are worst case OR if you aren’t composting correctly but they do deserve a mention. The reason it looks so big is because I touch on a couple of those fixes. Let’s start with the fact that it does in most cases require an initial investment. This is either in you digging a large hole to compost in or purchasing bins or lumber to build compost boxes. The good news is that if you are a serious green thumb (or want to be), spending the extra money/time up front will pay off in the long run. Next is that the efficiency and quality of your composting depends on multiple factors… but mostly you. It does require some work, knowledge, and monitoring. You need to make sure it is aerated, kept moist, and that the proper types/amounts of materials are included. If you have too much or too little of certain nutrients it can cause smells, slow down the decomposition, or even reduce the effectiveness of the compost. The silver lining to this con is that this is super easy to learn about and some trial error will make you a pro in no time. Also, the whole point is that we will help you know what to compost. Some other things to just consider when thinking about WHERE to compost is that it does require space and at the end of the day you are decomposing organic matter which can cause the spread of disease, be a fire hazard, attract pests (rats, snakes, bugs), look gross or smell bad which is unpleasant for you but can also cause neighbors to complain. It takes some planning on where it is placed and how to keep it covered/contained so that it doesn’t become the neighborhood biohazard eyesore. Lastly, composting isn’t a fix all. You can’t compost every single organic thing (like meat/dairy) and it won’t always provide everything you need to garden (will depend on the already existing soil if anything else is needed).  

Improved soil quality, nutrients, and densityInitial investment of time and money
CheapEfficiency and quality depends on what and how much material goes into the compost
OrganicIs not without work
Higher yieldsNeeds to be monitored
Less wasteCan spread disease
Fewer garbage pickupsCan be a fire hazard
Easy Can attract pests (snakes, rats, insects)
Eco- friendlyLook gross or smell bad
Educational for kidsComplaints from neighbors
Good feeling doing something to give back to natureCan’t compost everything
May still need additional fertilizers


There are two main types of composting:

  • backyard composting in a bin or pile
  • vermicomposting using worms to break down materials
earthworms on a persons hand

Within those two categories though there limitless variations! Indoor and outdoor options, bins, cages, pits, keyhole gardens, manual, automatic… you get the point. I am NOT going to get into all the types and pros/cons of the different types (maybe in the future?). I am going to do is start with the basics; What backyard bin/pile composting and vermiculture have in common. Most of the process and “Ingredients” for composting are the same regardless of which route you choose to take. You need the following:

Organic Material (Brown’s vs Greens)

We are actually going to break this down into 2 different categories.

  1. Browns (Carbon or C rich materials): This would include dry leaves, plant stalks, and twigs that the microorganisms eat. 
  2. Greens (Nitrogen or N rich materials): This includes food scraps, grass clippings, and some manures which will help keep the heat in your pile at ideal conditions for material breakdown. 

Ideally we want to have a C:N (Carbon: Nitrogen) ratio of 30:1. This means that you want more Carbon heavy materials than Nitrogen heavy. You do not need to be this precise and start calculating like crazy but it is nice to have some browns and a bit of dirt handy to layer in when you add greens. This will help maintain ratios AND bury the compost that will tend to draw pests.

What You Can Compost at Home & Some C:N RatiosWhat to Avoid Composting at Home
Nitrogen-Rich Material (“Greens”)Meat, fish and bones
Food and vegetable scraps 1:17Cheese and dairy products
Most grass clippings and yard trim 1:20Pet waste and cat litter
Coffee grounds and paper filters 1:20Produce stickers
Paper tea bags (no staples)Fats, oils and greases
Eggshells (crushed)Glossy paper
Poultry Manure 1:10Treated or painted wood
Hair/Fur 1:10Aggressive weeds/weeds with seeds
Fresh Weeds 1:20Diseased and pest-infested plants
Cow Manure 1:20Compostable food service ware and compostable bags*
Horse Manure 1:25Cooked food (small amounts are fine)
Sheep Manure 1:17Herbicide treated plants
Dryer lint
Carbon-Rich Materials (“Browns”)Ash from coal burning stoves( contains heavy metals)
Dry leaves 80:1
Plant stalks and twigs
Shredded paper (non-glossy, not colored) and shredded brown bags 170:1
Shredded cardboard (no wax coating, tape, or glue) 350:1
Untreated wood chips or sawdust (fresh) 500:1
Corn Cobs 11:1
Straw 110:1
Paper towel 110:1
Pine Needles 70:1

If your ratios are off here are some things you might see:

  • too much Carbon rich browns will not provide enough Nitrogen for microbes to eat, the process will stay cool, and the breakdown will slow. 
  • too much Nitrogen rich greens will cause the compost to become slimy and smelly. 
  • having too many exposed greens with no cover OR having some non-compostable items such as meat, bones, fish or bread will attract rodents and other pests.

Water (Moisture)

The microbes and worms need the moisture to survive but too much water can turn it into a slimy, stinky mess and have it growing molds, pathogens, or mushrooms. The pile or bin needs to stay moist but not wet or drenched which usually means it needs to stay covered. A tight fitting cover will help maintain steady moisture and has the added benefit of keeping stink in and rodents out. 

I like to check my moisture once a week. 

  • if the pile is too dry I will add moisture and turn it (also adding aeration) or else the activity in the pile will slow down. 
  • if the pile stinks OR it is wet enough to squeeze moisture out, it is too wet or needs more air circulation. Add more dry brown’s to help absorb the water, turn the pile, and allow some covered ventilation to help evaporate some of the excess
  • if the pile is too cool to the touch, add water to the pile or bin as that is also a sign of low moisture. 

Air (Oxygen)

Your pile needs to stay aerated so that the worms and microorganisms have enough Oxygen and the air will help regulate the temperature and moisture of your pile/bin. Having it at the correct temperature/churned will also help kill weed seeds and disease organisms as well as discouraging pests from moving in. If I haven’t had to churn it for my weekly moisture check, I definitely churn it every 2 weeks. You do not want to do so too often no matter how tempting it can be. churning too often can actually slow the process down. 


Here’s the thing… composting takes T-I-M-E (unless you have one of those cool countertop machines). But how much time it takes is up to you and how much effort you want to put in. It could take a couple months to a couple years. The more you make sure conditions are ideal when it comes to C:N balance, moisture, and oxygen the quicker the process will go. Is our pile cold and dry? It will eventually break down but it could take a long, long, loooooooong time. 

Above and beyond all that, here are a few more tips and tricks:

  • DO monitor the progress of your compost. it could be quicker or slower to mature. It will have shrunk down, have no visible food  scraps. It should look loose, dark, and crumbly. Sometimes it is necessary to sort out ready from not quite mature compost. 
  • DO consider where you are putting the compost. Will it be inside or outside? Most likely you want it away from the house and in the shade to keep it from stinking up or drying out too quickly. The South Carolina Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling has a great pdf that covers how to decide what type of composting would be a good idea based on what you are working with. (https://scdhec.gov/sites/default/files/Library/OR-1705.pdf)
  • DO shred, chop, etc. Items broken down will break down quicker. 
  • DON’T just use the compost pile as a trash can. There are plenty of things that are NOT good to compost. 
  • DON’T assume that it should be composted if you aren’t sure. Look it up! For example, a lot of outdoorsy people know that ash is good for plants and that is why smaller forest fires revitalize forests and lead to a lot of new growth. BUT in composting you do not want a lot of ash. Charcoal ash can contain heavy metals and ash from wood burning stoves in large amounts can raise the pH too much. My point is… RESEARCH!
  • DO look up more information. There is a lot out there to find for free online. A couple good resources are:

That’s it! That is all it takes. With a little planning and an initial investment you can create a sustainable, feel good project that gives back to your eco footprint, saves waste and money and isn’t expensive or overly work intensive to maintain.

Go make some dirt!


10 Under-Upcycled-Areas In Your Home & Ideas On How To Repurpose Them

Hey homesteaders, hobby DIY’ers and backyard environmentalists! I am super excited for this post, as upcycling is something I am very passionate about.  I am going to try to reign myself in BUT knowing me, this is still going to be a bit lengthy. Mikaela talked about why upcycling is so important from a sustainability standpoint in UPCYCLING… THERE ARE NO DOWNSIDES but I can honestly say that a big reason that I upcycle is just because I find it fun and like the aesthetic. Because of this, I have been flexing my upcycling imagination for a while. Today I am not going to teach you how to make anything but instead, give you some ideas and inspiration. I want to touch on 10 things in your home that can be upcycled (some more obvious than others) and give you a couple ideas of what you can do with them to get your creative juices flowing. Before I start my list though, here are a few things to consider when looking for items to keep and repurpose.

  • Do not focus on what things are currently. Look at color, shape, texture, and material. Think about what is inside it.
  • Is it SAFE? If tampering with it can be harmful to you or the environment… stear clear.
  • What is the current state of the object? Are you going to need to clean or disinfect it before working with it? Is it ready to work with now?
  • Do you really want to repurpose it or is it better being sold or donated?
  • Are you willing to put the required time into the project if it going to be more involved?

The reason that I bring these things up is because the point on upcycling, DIY, and repurposing is to breath new life into things (and for me a plop of dopamine)… Not to become a hoarder. Sometimes it really is better to dispose of an item correctly or let it move onto a new home.

Now that I have that out of the way… Here are 10 things I love to give new lives.

(1) Jars and Bottles

So with jars and bottles the posabilities are literally endless and this goes for glass AND plastic so lets list a few of my favorites. This is probably one of the most obvious and well covered categories online so it is also the one I really wont get into much. I still want to include it though because you are CONSTANTLY getting more; from your jams, sodas, wines, pickles… The list goes on. So here are just a few ideas and like I said before- there are HUNDREDS more all over the internet.

  • Just use them as they are to store something new- duh
  • Mason jars are easily turned into rustic candles or classed up by using wine bottles
  • Glass bottles and jars can be painted or etched
  • Turn them into light fixtures
  • Wine bottles are easily cut into vases or used as is
  • Turn them into greenhouses and terreriums
  • Shatter glass for stained glass and tiling projects or smooth down the edges for safety in patterns to be used in…. whatever you want. Jewelery maybe?
  • If you have access to a kiln, glass bottles can be flattened down into platters
  • plastic soda bottles can be “shredded” into a twine or heated and used for anything you could also use shrinky dinks or shrinking plastic

(2) Anything Fabric

So this also seems like an obvious one BUT this is such broad category and I just want to put a couple things in your head for you to consider. 1. Fabric is a much more than just clothes and 2. it can be used for a lot more than just sewing projects.

Think about keeping all or part of the fabric from these items:

  • Clothes- duh
  • Linens
  • Window Curtains
  • Shower Curtains
  • Rugs/Carpets
  • Bags
  • Pillows & Furniture
  • Food sacks (think flour sacks)

Here are a couple things I ask myself when looking at anything fabric:

  • What is the fabric? I prefer to keep cottons, linens, and even gauzy, lace, and tulle materials that will not unravel too much when I cut them. Conversly, I avoid loose knitts and crochet materials that will not be repurposed easily or unravel quickly when cut from their original home.
  • Is it a natural material? This is because sometimes I consider dying items a different color and that sticks better to raw natural materials.
  • Do I like the pattern or maybe just want to save a logo or patch to be sewn on something else? Seems obvious when I ask that.
  • Do I need to wash this before I reuse it or store it for later? Again… think flour sacks. I probably want to wash the four off really good before using it for anything.
  • How threadbare is something? Is the material so worn it is see through? Maybe it is time to go. Is there a hole in the elbow of your cardigan? Maybe it just needs elbow patches or you want to use the cardigan material as a couple of quilt squares.
  • Do I want to keep it for the texture?
  • Do I love the buttons? Save those too!

Just like it can come from a wide range of places in your home, it can also be used in almost anything:

  • Reused in literally any sewing project you can think of; quilting, patches, combining things into different clothing, doll making…
  • Modpodged onto items for decor (make sure to use the correct type of mod podge for your project)
  • Turned into Jewelery; cut into shapes, turned into beads, etc.
  • I like to put my tiny scrap fabric that isn’t enough for sewing projects aside, chop it smaller, and use as stuffing in other projects
  • Turned into wax clothe for food storage
  • Boho hair ornaments
  • Use it for texure in a multi media art project; textured paintings, textures on your clay sculpture, embelishments in your papercrafts
  • Use long thin strips instead of chunky yard in a knitting project

(3) Dishes

Can anyone say whimsy? This miiiight be a bit too close to jars and bottles but typically you are looking at porcelain, ceramic, bone china, and stoneware. It’s a little different. You can paint them or decorate them (mod podge fabric on there?) but I usually find that they already have great colors and designs.

I usually look at 3 things with dishes:

  1. What is the SHAPE
  2. What is the MATERIAL
  3. What is the PATTERN/COLOR

I consider them in that order as well. The shape and material are my biggest factors in what I might turn something into. I only really consider the color or pattern afterwards in these cases as I can always change that with a variety of marterials (paint, resin, cement, moss…).

  • Treat anything bowl shaped as just a bowl shape. Bowls, pots, pans, cups, mugs, teacups, serving dishes, teapots… They are now planters, water features, turned upside down as light fixtures, hooked together as a rain chain.
  • An extension of shape is the size. Those stockpots could be great planters or mounted sideways on a wall to use as a cuby but might be a bit big to turn into a candle (no judgement though- I kind of want a giant candle now)
  • Flater dishes like plates and trays can be used as wall decor as is, turned into tiered trays or deconstructed and turned into something like a clock (anything can be a clock).

(4) Food & Plant Scraps

This is going in a VERY different direction from the other categories. I was reading this to Mikaela and she asked “what the hell kind of art are you going to do with leftover pie?” This isn’t what I mean. I mean your fruits, veggies, tubers, and plant cuttings. Think about these options before you throw away your blueberries that are a little past the point of yummy. Food and plant waste can really be split into a couple different categories.

  1. Waste- There is less of this than you think
  2. Compostables- What you mix back into your garden to be more sustainable
  3. Scrap to feed your animals- If you have any
  4. Art- Mwahahaha

The first three in that list are a whole different rabbit hole and I will be doing a different post on this in the next couple weeks. Lets focus on the art aspect.

  • Many fruits, vegetables, and leaves can be used for natural dying of paper, yarn, fabric, and even hard boiled eggs
  • Use leaves for solar printing to get lovely, natural patterns on fabrics
  • Boil unused, aromatic scraps like citrus peels or rosemary and thyme on the stove to spread the scent around your house before you compost it
  • Dried leaves, flowers, and herbs are lovely in candles, resin art, or sewn into sachets for scent

Maybe don’t try the above with your blueberry pie.

(5) Candles

Candles are fun because I sometimes turn them into other candles and sometimes just have fun making artistic messes. When a candle is dead you are usually left with 3 things.

  1. The little nub of a wick and/or possibly a little metal base of a wick. You can scrap this.
  2. The waste wax
  3. The vessel the candle was in- maybe. There are plenty of candles that are free standing.

So you have some options here. Here is the process I usually go through. Let me know if you have other thoughts though.

  1. First I like to boil the vessel the candle was in to:
    • Melt the last of the wax so I can pour it into or onto whatever I choose AND
    • Remove any labels etc
  2. If the wax is unscented I can totally reuse this in another candle
  3. If the wax had any scent I dislike making them into another candles BECAUSE often you have to combine scraps from several candles and mixing scents can get overwhelming.

If I am not reusing the vessel for a candle I use them like any other jar. A have them around the house being used to store small art and office supplies and one with pocket change. They also make great planters if you know how to drill drainage in glass without shattering it or for plants you aren’t afraid of overwatering. My favorite part to play with though is the wax. Here are just a couple things I have done with it in the past.

  • While it is warm but not completely melted it can be manipulated into sculptures. I have a lot of tolerance for the heat of warm wax in my hands but you can burn yourself doing this so BE CAREFUL. I will also note that the first time I did this I was 10 years old and using an insanely hot desk lamp to melt the wax instead of finishing my homework at a decent hour. I ruined the lamp and got in trouble but the little wax penguin was worth it.
  • I have used it on canvas. Have you seen where people melt old crayons on canvas? Same concept… but scented!
  • I have used it as an accent for DIY Halloween decor. Sometimes I leave it exposed OR you can do something like drip it down a doll face and then paint over the whole thing to make it look like the doll is melting.
  • Are you into sending letters? Use it as a wax seal and the scent is a nice added touch. Make sure it isn’t too oily though and you have a good quality envelope or you will end up with a stained envelope/letter from the oil used to scent your candle.

(6) Books

This is a painful one for me to talk about. I am a huge bookworm. I think I made a kid cry when I was in college because they set one of my books face down/open and cracked the spine of it. I KNOW I made a roommate avoid me for fear of retribution because I found them dog earing and writing in one of my books. Damaging a book actually makes my heart clench up like I am about to have a panick attack. That being said… sometimes it is better to lay them to rest. You ever have that book that even though you were careful, it has just been read so many times that it’s starting to disolve in your hands? I have had a few like that. I am not saying that if you have a leather bound, first edition, signed [insert amazing book here] and that it is falling apart you should treat it like an art project. Those you get restored by a professional or learn how to store and preserve as best you can. Your families’ journal, or bible, or book of shadows (different strokes for different blokes and all that) that the pages are falling out of and some pages have water damage…. also not recomending this as your next DIY project. But maybe that very loved copy of Harry Potter that you can always replace or read on Kindle and the back cover has fallen off? That is your next target. THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS YOU CAN DO WITH AN OLD BOOK!!!

  • Open it and soak it in a borax/water bath for a time so it grows crystals and use it as a fantasy prop
  • Turn it into a clock
  • Hollow it out into a secret bookshelf box
  • The pages can be cut into shapes, used as scrapbook paper or used as a base to paint for a dark academia aesthetic. The more aged and yellow the pages are the better.
  • If the book is a hard cover, the covers can be cut, the edges covered with ribon and hung on the wall as decor or used as a canvas for a painting.
  • solidify them with a resin or something similar, stack them, and create furniture.
  • Use illustrations are paper ephemera in junk scrapbooks or in other projects

(7) Old Childrens Toys

This is a fun one to play with. Completly throw the idea of what something is out the door and only think about shapes. Kids are kind of yucky. They get sticky substances on toys, leave them in weird places like behind the toilet, and break things. I can almost guarantee that the toy is going to look NOTHING like it did when I am done upcycling it.

What I like to look for in old kids toys are the following:

  • Figurines of any size or shape. Smaller ones can be painted over and turned into jewelery, wall hooks, cabinet handles or jar toppers. Larger ones can be repainted to look like chic decor. Some of my Christmas and bathroom decor are large figurines that were honestly ugly and I painted over them to look like a “stuffed” Christmas penguin and a metalic gold octopus for my bathroom (like the ones you see go for like $40 online).
  • Nerf and Squirt guns. I like to add a little adult charm to these and turn them into weapons for costumes. Added bonus is when I am cosplaying for Haloween or cons, my gun can actuall shoot my friends.
  • Stuffed Animals. It feels a bit like murder but the outside fuzzy bits get incorporated into sewing projects and the inside gets repurposed into pillows and projects like the giant stuffed dragon I am currently making.
  • Dolls can get repainted as creepy Halloween Decor. That Barbie that got decapitated by a 4 year old who thought she was playing hair dresser? That is now a creepy shrunken head in a jar.

(8) Pet Supplies

This one you have to be a bit more forgiving with. It is easy to say that you are going to reuse your clothes or kids kids toys but when I talk about upcycling an animals food dish, some people start to inch away. I have been a little adventurous though and just want to share a couple ideas. If you are adventurous, you can try the following:

  • Food Dishes can become planters
  • Large balls for horses or dogs can be covered in cement and other materials for garden decor
  • The top “jug” from the automatically filling water disheds can be turned into terreriums or small aquatic tanks
  • Dog toys can become props for costumes. This is a favorite of mine as I have turned things like a Bass made as a dog troy was painted and turned into a magicarp.

The point is, just because they were used for or meant to be used for an animal, do not write them off imediately.

(9) Jewelery

You ever buy a shirt that comes with a necklace that you will never use or have jewelery that sits around for several years until you donate or trash it? I am talking about all your costume jewelery. I know I have a certain aesthetic and That I only wear earings consistantly so why keep a bunch of jewelery I wont wear? Instead I tend to deconstruct pieces and turn them into earings so they will get use OR use them in art projects.

I tend to look at them in pieces and take them apart into:

  • Beads
  • Larger pieces like pendants
  • Chains

From there I incorporate them into:

  • Other jewelery
  • Pendulums
  • Suncatchers
  • Embelishments on DIY clothing
  • Additions to resin art
  • Whatever you are using your beads and bits for…

(10) Furniture

Upcycling furniture is another really popular place to start and has a lot of posibilities. What I want you to think about though is what you can do with old furniture when you imagine past reupholstering.

  • Cushions and pillows can be dismanteled into fabric and stuffing for other projects
  • Entertainment units can be turned into play kitchenettes for your kid
  • Cabinet and dresser drawers can be planters or raised gardens
  • Headboards can be a trellis
  • Anything made out of wood can be sanded and stained or painted and turned into a different piece of furniture

Again… the point is to thing of everything as PARTS. It isn’t a wooden chair. It is wood pieces cut into the size of 2 arms, 4 legs, a seat and a back. The back piece might have a cool carving and you want to use it as wall art. The legs and seat can be sanded, restained and turned into stool. The arms might be turned into candle sticks.

Some of the projects mentions will are things I have done, seen, or will be showing on our site. They are all doable at home and usually on a budget. I am not an engineer, a uni trained artist or anything else fancy. All you need is imagination and patience. Hopefully this post inspires you to make something new from what could have been trash around your home.

Happy Upcycling,


Upcycling… There are no downsides

Upcycling, recycling, thrifting, repurposing.

For some people, that implies cheapness or lower class; For my family it was a fun and time-honored tradition. Taylor and I come from an altogether upper middle-class family. We weren’t rolling in money Scrooge McDuck style, but we had things that other children didn’t, and our parents were big on providing us whatever opportunities they could.

However, they were also big on teaching of the value of things. Not just the monetary value, but the real value of any given thing. My dad is from a small community in Wyoming, and he did not grow up with nearly as many opportunities as Taylor and I did. My mom was raised by parents that were a product of the great depression. Both believed firmly in using the most of something that you possibly could. Waste not, want not.

Dad is big on quality over quantity. Buy less but buy nice and if you take care of it- it will last you forever. Mom was big on finding a way to give something new life and see it in a whole new way. They both stressed how important it was for our environment and for the planet to not be so big on ‘disposable’, and to not throw something away just because it got scuffed or slightly worn. Part of the reason we go thrifting or upcycling still to this day is that it is so much more environmentally friendly to buy something second hand (especially clothes) than to get a newly manufactured one. The apparel industry alone accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions.

One of my favorite things as a kid to do was go hunting with my mom and her best friend Sherry on weekends. We would hit antique markets, garage sales, and thrift stores and it was always an adventure. The hunt was half the fun, and I got to spend time with my mom. We never knew what we were going to find, I frequently got to save something from a landfill or scrap pile, and my wardrobe was always unique to me. I like to think it taught my sister and I to look at things in ways other people didn’t. Sherry and mom were big crafters and could fix and repurpose anything. They taught us what to look for and became our earliest DIY instructors. We would come home with our pile of jee-jaws and scraps and second-hand furniture for pennies and nickels and the occasional $5 in allowance spent that turned into hours and hours of crafting and fun, a hobby that I like to think has served us fairly well so far in life.

I also think it taught us the importance of giving back. We rarely ever threw things away. There was always going to be somebody who could re-imagine it, or someone that needed it more than I did. You could always help a neighbor in need if you were paying attention and willing to give.

You also always learn something when it comes to upcycling and rebuilding. Some of my proudest learning moments have come from repurposing.

A few of my favorite crafts, antiques, and saves include:

  • Multicolored rope baskets: my parents had these plastic crisscrossed laundry baskets when Taylor and I were little. I think everybody had them. They were small and round, and I think the dollar tree probably still sells something similar to this day. They had started to see better days, and dad finally went to get rid of them, so I swiped them. I now have a set of nice, fabric lined rope baskets and all it cost me was some hot glue, a couple yards of scrap fabric, and some jute rope. I’ve used them for blankets, decorative containers for plants, and sometimes still a laundry hamper.
  • Grandma’s corning wear: this is an older generation thing that is so underrated, and you can fight me on, but will never change my mind. I happened to steal mine from grandma before they donated it, but I find it all the time at goodwill as well. People are throwing them away as they clean out estates or updating for sleeker looking options. Corning ware will never wear out on you. It’s cute and vintage. And it heats SO evenly. You can cook almost anything in it.
  • My dining room table: this one is probably my absolute proudest project moment. It was a long labor of love. I will be honest, there was a lot of swearing involved in this one. it was a big project, and I had to teach myself a handful of skills. But it came out almost exactly as I envisioned it, and I love it to bits. Taylor and I bought this mismatched table and chairs at goodwill for $10. it was scratched, but it was a beautifully cut, old fashioned solid wooden table underneath that. It still had the original hardware, and these amazingly shaped legs and it just screamed “TAKE ME HOME!”. The chairs were hideous, and did not match in the slightest, like doctor’s office waiting room chairs. So, we sanded down the whole table. Dad had to teach me how to use a belt sander for the top of it and remember those awesome legs I was talking about? that’s where the swearing started. It took weeks. After the sanding, we stenciled this giant mandala pattern into the center of it and then wood burnt the pattern in (insert more swearing and severely cramping hands). When all the stenciling and woodburning and staining and sealing was done though, I had this moment of complete satisfaction of a project well finished. I learned a lot. And I also have this gorgeous table that is unique to my home. The best part is that altogether it probably only cost my $35 by the time I was done buying sandpaper and wood stain.

There is so much you can do and find with upcycling and thrifting. I have met the most interesting people, learned a number of useful skills, and thoroughly love the positive impact on my community and my environment. We’re really excited to be able to share some of our up-and-coming projects with you, and we hope they will inspire you to try a few of your own.

Not sure where to start? Keep your eyes out for our next updates! Taylor will be sharing some of the things we have learned over the years in the hopes that it will seem a little less intimidating. See Taylor’s post, How to Maximize Your Thrifting.

Happy Hunting!


How to Maximize Your Thrifting

10 Tips, Tricks, & Rules

FIRST, lets discuss why thrifting should be a part of your life.

I won’t get super to into why we (as in Mikaela and I) thrift right now as Mikaela is also posting on this topic (see her Upcycling… There are no downsides) BUT I just want to list out a couple reasons that I love it:

  • It is more eco friendly and cuts down on waste.
  • I save money in my wallet.
  • It is inspiring and a bit of a thrill to get a great find.
  • I know that (in the case of some consignment or thrifting stores) I am contributing to a charity or organization that needs support.

But this is only if I am thrifting the right way! I can still spend way too much, waste a bunch, and have buyers’ remorse if I don’t go into it with the right mindset and rules for myself. I have a couple things that I must put limiters on myself about or else I can get out of control. So, with that in mind, I have a couple things I have learned and some rules that may help you in your thrifting journey.

Tips, Tricks and Rules

1- Know your stores.

This seems obvious but know what stores you want to check out. I thrift enough that I know which are favorites for different things. I have one I know will always have amazing clothes, one I go to if I am looking for art supplies and tchotchkes, and even a favorite for furniture. Something else to consider is that a lot of stock is determined by the neighborhoods around the store because when people donate, they go to a close location. So, if I want to look for nice business suits, it seems reasonable to go to a thrift store either specializing in what I am looking for OR go to a thrift store in a neighborhood where I might find people who work in offices and wear suits. Call it profiling but it works. This isn’t perfect but it has upped my chances when I am looking for something specific.

2- Know what you already have.

Again, something that seems simple, but I used to not take this into consideration. When I know what I have in my closet, what books I own, and what art supplies I already have, it helps me narrow down what I should buy and what would be a duplicate. It is a horrible feeling when you buy something and realize you have 3 of it already because you keep forgetting. I am not saying make a list of everything you own (although I do on some things). All I am saying is if it is a planned outing, maybe just take a brief peek in your closet or your Sterlite tubs of yarn/fabric to refamiliarize yourself with what you have in order try and cut down on those accidental duplicates.

3- Have a list but be flexible.

Speaking of lists… there are a few things I like to keep list of for when I go thrifting. I love collecting and am also an avid reader. Thrifting is an amazing way to find missing pieces of collectables or a book you may not have a copy of, but it is hard to remember that in the heat of the moment. I keep a list of missing pieces on my phone OR for several collections I have a list of what I already own- depends on what is easiest. This way I can make sure I stroll through books and have a solid idea of what I am looking for (no questioning if I was missing #4 or #5 in hard cover of this series). I also know that I am avoiding duplicates in more expensive pieces (have you ever spent $120 on a piece for a collection and then gotten home to find out you bought the wrong one? Trust me when I say 10/10 would not recommend that frustration). On a different note, if you have that list handy already, it makes for a good Xmas list to send your mom so that she doesn’t yell at you for not knowing what you want.

I also take a list of generally what I am looking for on a specific trip. Pieces to alter for a costume? Things to turn into a multimedia art project? Outfit basics? A new bookshelf? It gives me a basic place to start.


4- Grab everything that interests you and do not be fooled by looks.

This doesn’t mean BUY everything that looks interesting. If you do that then it will defeat the purpose of this being more cost effective. Trust me when I say you will find a lot of interesting things. I do put anything I find even vaguely cool in my cart though. There is no back stock when buying second hand. What is there right now may be gone in 10 minutes so I may not be able to change my mind and go back BUT I can always whittle down and put things back.

Here are some things I look at/for in different categories:

  • Clothes– I look for things that have interesting patterns or cuts. I also look at solid basics that can go with literally everything. At this point I usually pick up items that I am not even sure if I will like or are not necessarily my usual style. When I try them on, I often find pieces that surprise me- in good AND bad ways. Plus, it is fun to play dress up. On a separate note though, do not grab it just because it is a brand because it could be fake and/or it will just sit in the back of your closet because you do not really love IT- just the status of the brand.
  • Books– These I put in my cart on less of a whim. By the time it’s in that sucker… I am half in love with the book after having read a synopsis. If I am honest, there is no whittling unless I am tight on money. Sue me. I can spend hours sifting through books. A trip to the VNSA book sale in Arizona is a whole day affair.
  • Household Goods/Knick Knicks– With this section I do the obvious and pick up items that look cool or I could use BUT I will also pick up items that I think I could upcycle into something else. A chalkboard could be turned into a clock. Some of those super ugly statues and toys can be painted into something else. A lot of my Xmas decorations are literally from me finding ugly things at Goodwill and breathing some new life into them with acrylics. Look at shapes and what they are made of. If you are in the electronics section, that clock may not work but can you pull it apart for pieces for a steampunk or cyberpunk project (or a repair on another clock if that is your thing). The sky is the limit so do not be boxed in by what it looks like at that moment!

5- Be realistic about the quality and how much work you are willing to put into what you are purchasing.

So, this has been a tough pill be me to swallow sometimes. I have to ask myself some tough questions to reign me in back to earth when I get extravagant thrifting dreams. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What kind of shape is this in and what kind of work will I need to put into it?
  • How much time/money am I willing to pour into it?
  • Do I have something similar?
  • Is this a want or need?
  • I love this now, but will I actually wear/use it?

6- Dress Appropriately.

You dress appropriately for going out on the town or to work or to a party. Why would this be different? Stick to something that slips on and off easy for trying on clothes (no laces or buttons). Stick to separates so if you want to try a shirt on, you do not need to worry about only being half dressed to show a friend outside the room. I also like to make sure my makeup is done. That way you know how the clothes fit your aesthetic AND how you feel/how you dress tend to correlate so if you have makeup on and are feeling yourself, you are more likely to feel good in what you are trying/ get items that make you feel/look good.

7- Give yourself some rules.

These will be different for everyone but what I like to do is pinpoint a couple places that I tend to go crazy in and find ways to limit myself. For example, if I buy a jacket, when I get home, I have to pick one to get rid of (I have a jacket problem).

8- Clean it immediately.

You do not know where your purchase has been or who has been trying it on. Make sure you are being safe and cleaning your purchases before you use them (especially now-a-days).

9- Haggle if you can.

Some places allow you to haggle or ask for a lower price. Ask! Just remember to be polite about it.

10- Have fun.

Remember at the end of the day that this is supposed to be fun! This are tips, not hard law. Go play and figure out what works for you!

Happy Hunting!
