Welcome to the Guild & the Family!

Co Founders and Owners: Taylor Lasley and Mikaela Lasley

Tervetuloa! We cannot tell you how excited we are to unofficially welcome you to our growing community! We have such high hopes for this part of our platform and all great journeys must start with great intentions, so we wanted to take a few moments to share with you our intentions for this space.  

Our goal for RavenWerks Guild as a whole is for it to be a community of acceptance and learning. Our long-term vision is to buy a piece of property to be able to bring you an amazing multi-purpose creative space. A place where we can all finally come together in person to make crafts, test projects, learn things, host events, and meet new friends.  

As part of this journey, we plan to share crafts, culture, projects, events, tutorials, and host conversations through a variety of platforms. We want you to feel like you can take us with you everywhere. We want you to see and experience this journey right along with us.  

This blog is just one more exciting way for us to let you hear our voice. As excited as we are for videos and in person events- we feel like we get to know a person differently through the written word (call us crazy, but we tend to read things in character- we play too much D&D).  

This blog is also meant to focus more on the education side of this journey. While our videos and events and tutorials provide an awesome way to interact with you daily, this blog will hopefully turn into a growing source of information that you can refer back to if ever necessary. As we delve into topics and research things we want to know more about or want to try; we plan to share what we learn with you. This will be the place to come for the facts and history behind some of our projects, re-creations, and experiments. 

Join us as we learn about and share what we already know about a variety of topics. Our hope is to cover everything from cultural recipes to different holidays basis in a myriad of religions and how things came to be the way they are now, history and lore. We’ll explore certain forms of crafting & DIY, runology, tarot, herbalism, Sustainability, Upcycling, gardening and most important of all: How it’s all connected. 

We both sincerely hope that this will add value to your life in some way, and that you enjoy it just as much as we do. All we ask in return is that you come into this space with an open mind and a willingness to learn as well as possibly to teach (after all, we certainly have a lot to learn). So grab a drink and a comfy chair, and please don’t ever be afraid to chime in or reach out.  

We’ll see you on the journey!  

All the best, Always, 

Taylor and Mikaela