King of Spices: How to use Cloves

Summer is over. Samhain has passed. Leaves are falling and the dark days are approaching. This for me is a time when I feel like my flavor pallet changes for the year. My cravings for crunchy vibrant salads, crisp citrus, and smokey salmon has passed and suddenly I want rich warm soups, hot chili, and crusty bread. After hot days not wanting to be in the kitchen, I suddenly want to fire up my oven and bake like the world is ending

woman serving table with dishes for picnic
Photo by Rachel Claire on

I want food that is rich in flavor, heavy on the spices, and warm enough to combat the damp chill that covers everything. For me, one of the best flavors that screams “Autumn” for me is Cloves. I love pumpkin as much as the next girl, but the sweet warmth of cloves and hint a bitterness has a heavy aroma I need and adds complexity to a lot of my favorite dishes.  

I believe in cooking with intention and purpose, I try to make sure my food has impact and poignancy behind it. After all, this is what I nurture myself and my family with. I have always maintained that food should make you feel something. This means knowing a lot about what you cook with. Today, let’s pay homage to what I consider to be the King of Spices, Syzygium aromaticum. 

Cloves in Science and Medicine: 

Cloves come from the flowers of a tropical evergreen tree in Indonesia. They are a notable ingredient in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine and have been used for centuries to help regulate the body. Not only are they dense in antioxidants but they are also high in fiber. Because they are rich in manganese- they are a great tool for regulating blood sugar if you struggle with diabetes. 

dried cloves in close up shot
Photo by Eva Bronzini on

Cloves are Antibacterial and can also be used to specifically treat tooth aches as a result of the compound eugenol. Additionally, the eugonal found in cloves is a strong natural anti-inflammatory. It can be ingested in foods and teas, or applied topically as oil in this case. For inflammation specifically, I prefer tea as I haven’t has as much luch with the topical application. 

Cloves act as both an excellent cough suppressant as they help to relax the muscles of the throat. They can be chewed on directly in this case or brewed into tea and mixed with honey. I like to grind them up finely and make losenges with honey. Cloves can also be used to ease nausea, gas, and vomiting. If you’re like my sister and prone to being munched on by bugs- cloves are your best friend as they function as a natural insect repellent; Clove oil diluted in water and popped in a spray bottle works on people, plants, patios and gardens.  

Cloves in History & Mythology: 

The word ‘clove’ comes from the Latin word ‘Clavus’, meaning nail, in reference to their shape. Hailing from Indonesia they we heavily traded in Ancient Rome and China. The spice was so revered in Rome that it became more highly prized than gold. Because at times only the wealthy could afford them, they became heavily associated with prosperity.  

Head of the God Osiris
orange with cloves
Photo by Kaboompics .com on

In the 18th century, it became a custom at Christmas to push cloves into oranges and give them as fragrant gifts for protection and good luck charms for the new year. They were also traditionally used in perfume balls called Pommanders to ward off illness.  

Ancient Egyptians believed that Osiris was buried with cloves to ensure his rebirth and eternal life. Additionally, they were also frequently used as offerings to deities and rituals involving the spirit world. Cloves are also associated directly with Thor, the Norse god of Thunder and Agriculture and the protector of mankind. 

In Magic: 

high definition photo of jupiter
Photo by @T Keawkanok on

Cloves are associated with prosperity, abundance, and cleansing. They are masculine and protective in nature, heavily associated with the element of fire and Jupiter.  

You can be grind up and sprinkle them to stop gossip, and burning them is an excellent way to cleanse and bring good luck to your home. They are commonly used as part of banishings, and can be used in conjuntion with rosemary to attract abundance. If you need to reset your space, cloves are your friend.  

bottle of essential oil and a feather
Photo by Birgith Roosipuu on

Many people still hand orange and clove pomanders in their homes to attract abundance and raise the vibration of their personal space (plus, the smell is invigorating). They can be hung from strings or used to decorate yule trees.  

because of it’s high concentration of manganese, cloves can also be used as an essential oil to help you focus if you struggle to stay grounded and present (ADHD Yo) as well as added to sleep sachets can be used to get more restful and restorative sleep. 

Care and growing of cloves: 

Due to their natural native climate- cloves are not so easy to grow in most of the U.S. however, it is possible to have success in either a controlled greenhouse setting, and limitedly in pots inside. If you want to attempt growing your own the soil should be well draining, fertile, and similar to orchid mix. If the climate is to cool or dry, cloves will not bloom, and even in healthy conditions they may not reach flowering maturity for seven years. They need bright light and require soil temperatures above 75 degrees.

To date, commercially grafting cloves onto other plants has not been successful, and the majority of commercial clove production still comes from Indonesia. Cloves are not considered a begginner plant or easy to culivate and as the fruit requires processing- you’re most likely better off getting your gloves from a grocer or a local herbalist.  

What are some on your favorite things to cook with cloves or use them for? I use them in much of my fall baking as well as in my hommade chai blend, which is super easy to make in a larger batch and divvy out throught the season. Would you be interested in learning how to mke your own chai?

All the best, 
