Salutations! In light of the upcoming holiday, I thought we’d do a bit of a dive into the history and practice of the Lammas Feast Day.
Lammas AKA Lughnasadh is the first of three harvest festivals of the Pagan wheel of the year. Typically, Sundown July 31st– Sundown August 1st. Although technically you would need to consult an Almanac yearly to see what day of the year the stars would be in the right position if we were following the original way of tracking the Wheel of the Year.
![Pagan Wheel of the Year](
Lammas has been known by many names. In Ireland its known as Lugnasad or Lughnasadh. In Scotland it has been called Lunasda, The Welsh refer to it as Gwyl Awst. It was the English that called it Lammas, evolving from the Old Anglo-Saxon word Hlafmaesse, or Loaf Mass.
Lughnasadh or ‘Lugnasad’ gets its name from the Celtic Deity Lugh (pronounced Loo).
Lugh in modern times is frequently referred to as a solar god or harvest deity; though originally seems to have been understood as a god of human skill & craftsmen, kings, and a patron of heroes. Lugh was king of the Tuatha De Dannan, a race of divine beings whose name translates to “People of the Goddess Danu”. (Marquis 2015)
Danu was the Celtic Mother Goddess. In the old Sagas, Lugh together with Danu displaced the Fir Bolg and the Fomoiri who were the cruel previous rulers of Tuatha.
There are 2 popular theories around the origin of Lughnasadh as a holiday:
- Lugh’s wedding feast.
- And more commonly a funeral festival Lugh started in honor of Tailtiu; wife of the last king of Fir Bolg. Whilst we cannot prove that exactly, we can prove there was an annual festival August 1st called the Fair of Tailteann equidistant between Navan and Kells near a reputed gravesite of Tailtiu in what is now County Meath, Ireland.
Marriages were common or Trial Marriages and partnerships were commonly declared at this time (feeding into the story of Lugh’s wedding Feast). This would last for a year and a day until the next festival at which time the marriage could be dissolved if it didn’t work out (similar to a handfasting- which typically followed if things worked out).
Originally Hlafmaesse was a celebration of pagan deities, but as the Germanic Peoples converted to Christianity and began settling in what is now Britain, Hlafmaesse was absorbed into the rites of the Church and celebrated as the Feast of First Fruits. This was celebrated by baking a loaf of hallowed bread, cutting it into fours and burying or crumbling each quarter into the corners of the barn intending to invite blessing and sanctify the harvest in the upcoming year.
As Anglo-Saxons began to more heavily influence local culture, some of the older Lughnasadh traditions became replaced or hybridized, making it very hard to distinguish the exact origins of many practices. In many places across the United Kingdom, we can document where Lughnasadh traditions and Lammas traditions have been meshed together.
In modern times, many people struggle to find ways to celebrate Lughnasadh and feel connected to the holiday with how removed most of us are from our Agriculture. As well as struggling to find distinctive ways to celebrate it separately from the other Harvest festivals. It is the first of three annual harvest festivals, ending with Samhain- or the closing of the growing season. But where Lughnasadh shines is in the bearing of the first fruits. The first crops of the year are coming to maturity, and we can enjoy them, but the true celebration is in knowing that the Harvest and bounty is still in front of you and is just beginning.
Whilst most of us are no longer actively tilling the land, planting and harvesting- we still depend on the Mother Earth every bit as much as our ancestors did. Common Modern themes to celebrate and honor the holiday include: Harvest, Gratitude, and Reflection. Potlucks, Picnics and feasts are common practices. Offerings are also traditional, either to the Mother Earth, Lugh, ancestors, or the dead in general. Regardless of the nuances in regional celebration practices, the overall message is the same: Giving Thanks!
Bear in Mind, that Pagans are a diverse group, and you will find Nuances in celebrations between Celtic Reconstructionism, Wiccans, Asatru (also referred to as Heathens or modern Norse Pagan), Modern Druidism, traditional Witchcraft, & Neopagan.
Celebrating at Home:
- If you do Garden, or grow your own crops or herbs, Celebrating Lughnasadh is commonly celebrated by pulling your first harvest of the year, picking berries, gathering herbs or other wild crops.
- Many rural communities also celebrate with Bonfires.
- Another way to honor the beginning of the harvest season is to cook with what it offers. After all, it is one of the Great Feast Days- this is why potlucks or gatherings are a common and great way to celebrate.
- Lughnasadh is also a great time to get out into the great outdoors and search for new magical tools while the ground is open and easy to view. Unique branches and sticks that can be turned into staffs and conduits. Rocks and sticks that draw your attention and call your name are also always good to hunt for. Remember to never harvest or take things from compromised or protected land, and respect the spaces you are in.
- Play Games! Lughnasadh was traditionally a time for competitive sports and games to show off skill and prowess. Host your own Tailtaenn fair. Invite friends over for a game of football, a foot race or any other manner of sports. Remember to keep it lighthearted and fun. Add in an element of silliness and award prizes for winners of competitions. Ribbons, goofy hats, pies, pastries, or decorated brooms all make great winnings.
Harvest OR work in your garden
Have a potluck or a feast
Host your own Tailtaenn fair
Host a bonfire
Lugnashadh and Magick:
Many different types of Magick were performed around Lughnasadh, but it is an especially good time for protection magic. Below is a more modern interpretation of a traditional Irish Practicing Herbal Spell for protecting livestock (which can these days also be translated into protecting anything that is of value or considered an asset to you).
All you need is a selection of fresh herbs of your choosing (best to stay in season if possible). Make a list of the ‘assests’ or valuables that you want to protect and then choose a corresponding herb for each one. You can do this by either following your intuition and gut feeling or, if you choose, you can always consult an herbal guide for different symbolism in plants if you need help. I find it best with things like this to pick whatever resonates best with you.
Set yourself up someplace quiet, with a small bowl of water.
Pick up an herb and focus your intentions on the topic you have ascribed to that herb. Repeat the following:
This is not (the name of the plant; i.e., basil)
But it is my (name of the thing, person, asset, etc. that you are trying to protect (i.e., financial success, or ‘my cat’) that I hold in my hand.
Now hold the herb in the bowl of water and focus on strength and protection and say:
By the Power of Water, and River and Sea
What I have is protected!
So mote it be!
You will need to repeat this with each herb/intention. Then take the pile of wet herbs outside to a place in nature that feels good to you (you will need to bring an apple). Place the Pile of Herbs on the ground and on top set the apple, stem facing up as a final offering. Pour the water from bowl over the top and give thanks for the welfare and protection of your assets.
Here in the next few days, I’ll be uploading one of the recipes I will be using for our own Lammas feast. Have fun, be safe, and be well.
Happy Harvest,