What is Astrology? Where Does One Start?

So let us start with the basics. The sky and space have always held a lot of humans’ attention. It is mysterious, expansive, and mostly unexplored. Ancient cultures observed it for both practical (when to plant crops) and religious purposes (oh no! the gods are angry and flooding our fields!). To many of the ancient civilizations, it is not an over exaggeration to say that they believed much of their life and the events of the natural world around them were determined by the gods. Many cultures believed that the gods lived in the sky/space or were in fact the planets like in the case of the Sumerians. This led them to watching the sky and stars to find meaning. They relied on it to determine when to hunt, plant, get married etc.  

No matter if you believe in the spiritual or if you are a person of science, we can all agree that to an extent there is some validity to their methods. Obviously, our calendars are a bit different, and our gardening schedule is no longer based on our father sitting outside, looking at the stars and telling us it is time to plant the turnips. Modern science has progressed, and we can predict and make more sense of weather, movement of celestial objects, etc without attributing everything to a god. On the other hand, the sky and the celestial bodies do influence earth and the world around us. For example, the moon controls tide in the ocean and can be linked to changes in people’s moods.  

Astrology vs Astronomy vs Physics

Despite our development of modern science, people are still fascinated by the sky and how it influences our lives. Based on this, we were forced to split the study of the sky/space into more rational, calculated fields of Astronomy and Physics vs the philosophical/psychological/interpretational study of Astrology.  

  • Astrology [əˈsträləjē]; NOUN; The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world. 
  • Astronomy [əˈstränəmē]; NOUN; The branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole. 
  • Physics [ˈfiziks]; NOUN; The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics, distinguished from that of chemistry and biology, includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. 

We all need a starting point…

I used to believe that Astrology was- and I quote- “froo froo woo woo hippy shit”. All I knew was that it had to do with Zodiac signs and horoscopes. As I have done more research over the years and admittedly loosened up a lot to alternative beliefs outside what I was raised with, I have also realized that it is much deeper and more involved than teenage girls looking up if they are compatible with their crush. That said, it can be confusing when terms start being thrown at you like sun/moon sign, ascendant, ruling planets, hemispheres, and houses around.  

What houses? Hogwarts houses?  

Never fear though! I am going to break down what they all mean and how they are found. Maybe you are honestly looking for another way to look at your personality and strengths and weaknesses and you are just starting your exploration into astrology.  Or maybe you think it is just froo froo woo woo hippy shit and are just curious. Maybe your ex broke up with you because “you are a scorpio” and you are trying to decipher what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks she was yelling about in the bar at 2 am. Either way, let us start with the most obvious, cookie cutter, pieces. The bread and butter of Astrology if you may.  

First things first…

First, I would say to use a free natal chart calculator online. A natal chart is an astrology birth chart and a cosmic map showing all the planets placement and movement around the sun in relation to where you were born. Because it is down to the minute and specific to the place of your birth, it is unique to everyone. I have used several and even cross checked them for accuracy. The following two are favorites. The first has a ton of different options if you are more experienced and want to tweak some different things or pull a non-standard chart. The second site (my favorite) is great for beginners, straight to the point, and even gives a description of what it all means.  

Free Charts & Data – Astrodienst 

Free Astrology Birth Chart Report (cafeastrology.com) 

Co – Star: Hyper-Personalized, Real-Time Horoscopes (costarastrology.com)– This is a phone app

Both Mikaela and I have looked up meanings and interpretations and pulled information from quite a few places online and from our bookshelf. To really understand the chart, it is always best to look in multiple places. Part of it will also come from experience. That being said, the point of the astrology posts I will be putting out is to break down some of that info in small bite sized pieces so you have to do less digging around.

In the next few Astrology posts, you will see Mikaela and I use ourselves as examples and as we build on this info we will continue to delve into our own natal charts, what the pieces mean to us and then how that can be applied to various parts of our world. I would encourage you to do the same.  I know that some cultures do not believe this information should be shared as people can use that knowledge against you so, please only share if you are comfortable.

Remember! This is supposed to be fun. It is a tool and very much up for interpretation. It is also going to mean vastly different things for and to everyone. We want to hear from you! What do you think this all means to you and what did it say?

Happy Charting! 
